Chapter Seven - Betrayal.

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We wait until Logan comes back Sam's fallen asleep and is resting his head on my shoulder and I'm resting my head on his head, Aaron's pacing, "Aaron stop pacing you're making me dizzy," I say watching him, he stops and sits in front of me, I lift me head up, "what's wrong?" Aaron grabs my hands and looks at them,

"you know i was going to tell you something before I got clobbered," I nod, "well.. I was going to say..." he looks at Sam,

"don't worry he's sound asleep, go on," Aaron looks super nervous,

"well..." he leans towards my ear and whispers the last words I have ever wanted to hear leave his lips, "I want you," he leans back and I just stare at him,

"in what way?" I ask automatically touching the place on my neck where he bit, it was healed but still hurt, he leans towards my ear and whispers again,

"both," I just stare at him and make my mouth an 'O' shape,

"ohhhh... okay... I have a boyfriend..." I say nodding towards the door of the cage, where Logan now stood smiling like a cheshire cat, Aaron spins around,

"oh hey buddy..." then he turns and smacks Sam, "oi! Wake up!" Sam lifts his head up and I  get up and unlock the door, "Lizzie, you had that all this time?" Aaron asks, I nod,

"yeah but I had to wait for Logan to come back signalling it's safe," Aaron rolls his eyes,

"he could've unlocked it!" Logan shakes his head,

"John takes the keys so we don't do anything like this, Sam?" Sam walks over to the cage door, as Logan starts  leading us away, "can you change now?" Sam nods, and I look away as he strips his clothes off and turns, I turn around and stroke his fur, "okay Sam, I want you to lead Lizzie away from here," he turns to Aaron, "lets fight," he says smiling, Aaron hesitates,

"as long as Lizzie and Sam are safe then sure," Logan nods his head,

"they will be, don't worry, and Lizzie," he kisses me and I kiss him back, he pulls back much to my disappointment, "be a big strong, sexy girl like you were when you decided not to kill me, okay?" I nod, "don't worry Aaron and I will be right behind you," he wipes a tear from my cheek, "then we can pick up where we left up, deal?" I nod and hug him,

"keep Aaron safe," I turn to Aaron and hug him, "keep Logan safe," Aaron hugs me back,

"I will don't worry, hunter," I stop hugging him,

"I don't have the energy to be mean to you," I say gathering Sams clothes and getting on his back, I feel wind go past me as Logan and Aaron go out, "lets go Sam," I say hugging his neck, his clothes in between my stomach and me.


Sam sprints out of the cave and past all the vampires and into the forest, he slows down when the trees grow too close to run through, I keep looking behind me, nothing, but I can smell vampire, I sniff my shirt, nope didn't smell of vampire, "I smell vampire Sam, do you?" Sam nods and looks around, he stops and pricks up his ears, "Sam? What's wro-" I hear a gun shot and Sam falls to the floor, me falling with him, "Sam!" I say, I go over to him and find the wound, I stroke Sam, "this'll hurt," I take a deep breath before digging my index finger and thumb into the wound, I pull out the bullet, "silver," I stroke Sam, "you'll only get silver poisening but that's fine, it'll just make you change randomly but nothing serious," Sam whimpers, I hear footsteps behind me,

"oh how nice, I would've thought you were together," I stand at the familiar voice, I turn, "hello," I see Aaron squirming in his hands,

"let him go!" I say I dig in my pocket for my stake, they must have taken it, "shit," I say under my breath,

"can't find your toy?" I shake my head,

"This is betrayal!" I shout, "betrayal..." I repeat. Betrayal. It's true,

"yes, I know," I hear Sam whimper,

"let him go," I say taking a step forward,

"or what?" I think for a second, ugh, If only I could grab a peice of wood and dip it in the chemicals (no vampires arn't allergic to wood, there is a chemical on it that's like the sun) but of course I can't, I look up, almost dark, lucky he was shaded by a tree and I would push him into the light but I know he'll take Aaron with him,

"I'm warning you," I say taking another step forward, he doesn't move,

"I'll kill you if you get any closer," I take a deep breath and put my arms out to the sides,

"do it then," I take another deep breath, "do it, Logan."

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