Chapter One - Great, Just Bloody Great

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hate summer camp. Do you hate summer camp? 'Cause I hate summer camp. Everyones like, "oh it'll be fun!" or "it's nice to have a break!" No it is bloody well not! The area this camp is in is the worst smelling area ever! Who would be so stupid to set up a summer camp with a poluted lake? I mean come on! One of the activities is canoeing! Also I'm surprised no ones shut this place down, one of the ranger-type-people are obviously a pedophile I mean if he wasn't I wouldn't of thought he would try so hard to.... how do I put this? Direct? Yes direct. He wouldn't try so hard to 'direct' us by 'guiding' us via pushing our arses up the hills to get to the otherside. Oh, and believe me when I say; if he tries it on me he wouldn't have a fucking hand left to touch us with! Sorry, got mad then, but it's just, I hate this place; it stinks, it houses a pervert oh and it's a mix gender camp so girls can share cabins with boys... Yeah, so fucking great isn't it? But hopefully I am an odd one out and can have a cabin all to myself... Yeah, like that's going to happen! Oh, sorry, I didn't introduce myself, hi I'm Lizzie Gray, I'm 16 years old. I have light brown hair and blue/green eyes, I am 5' 5" and I have a skinny body, I am not classed as the most prettiest of girls but I am classed as an average looking girl. Which is basically borderline ugly and borderline cute so, not good. Well, I guess I should stop babbling on because by now I am sure you are bloody bored, oh and I am british and live in England, hence why I say 'bloody' a lot. Oh and I'm a vampire hunter, bet you didn't know that!  

"Hurry up Lizzie!" Bloody great. now I can't even tell you why I am in this camp 'cause Miss Big Mouth over there wants me to hurry up! Oh and Miss Big Mouth is our guidance counselor thingy; basically she helps us sort out cabins and that; her names Jenny but in my brain she is Miss Big Mouth. Still, I walk a tiny bit faster because I'm a bitch so I need to be as bloody minded as possible, I'm hoping to get kicked out of camp so I don't have to live another day here!


Yay, woooh! I have my own cabin because Miss Big Mouth likes me! Well, here is how it went down:

"Lizzie, your sleeping with Brandy and Jennifer," I shake my head, "what's wrong?" I sigh, and point at the girls, 

"these girls are what's wrong! They hate me! Thay've been being mean to me ever since the start of camp!" Of course that wasn't true but Miss Big Mouth believed me, "Jenny please!" I said making myself have big puppy eyes,

"fine, you can sleep on your own but don't think it's 'cause you are special," I nodded and ran off towards the cabin.

But doesn't that make me her favourite? I bet if someone else had said that they would have there idea thrown on the ground and lit on fire, but me? No way! I'm freaking awesome! I start jumping on the bed, I love this cabin, "creeeeak!" Uh oh, "snap!" I get up off the floor and look at the bed, it was broken, shit. I pick up my stuff and carefully put my things on the other side of the cabin, well, that happened... "Lizzie!" I hear Miss BIig Mouth shout, "come on!" I walk over to the door and open it, I walk out and close the door behind me,

"a bed in there is broken," I say casually, I walk to the group of kids and watch Miss Big Mouth walk into the cabin,

"did you do this Lizzie?" I really want to say yes, but what's the fun with that?

"No, it was like that when I got there, my stuff isn't even near that bed!" I hear girls whispering behind me, I turn to see loads of girls pointing and whispering about someone, I push people out the way to see, stupid fat people! I see a boy walking towards the councelors cabins, "who is that?" I ask a girl, she shrugs, I hear footsteps behind us, I turn already knowing it's Miss Big Mouth,

"what are you girls looking at?" I roll my eyes, is she blind? I point to the cabins,

"the weird boy who just walked into those cabins," I say Miss Big Mouth looks at the other girls who nods,

"weird boy? I'll go see who it is, everyone stay here!" Yeah, like I was staying with these losers. I walk out the group

"Jenny said to stay here," a girl behind me says I turn back and flip them off, shutting their bitchy ass face up, I smile,

"oh really?" I say turning back to walk towards the cabins.

I reach the cabins and look in the window, Miss Big Mouth had her back to the window but I could see the boy; he had brown hair, red-ish eyes (which are creepy) and a super cute smile! He sees me and winks at me, my eyes widen and he turns his attention to Miss Big Mouth again, I edge away from the window and my back hits the message board, I turn and look at what activity we were doing; hiking, yeah bloody right! I walk into the forest, surrounding the camp and lake, "okay Sam, go get settled in we will be back from hiking in half an hour, you can share with Lizzie Gray," Oh good Miss BIg Mouth is going. Wait! Did she say he is sharing with me? No! Just no! I lean on the tree trunk. Great, just bloody great! I wait at least 10 minutes and poke my head around the tree, they had gone, everyone except me and the boy, (Sam was it?) had gone. I walk towards my cabin, yes my cabin, like hell is he sleeping in the same room as me, he's a creepy fucker, "you must be Lizzie," He says when I walk in the cabin, I nod,

"yes, but you can call me Elizabeth, seeming your in my cabin," I cross my arms, his smile fades, he thinks for a split second then sits on his bed (which is right next to mine), I stay in the doorway,

"you only met me, how do you hate me?" I roll my eyes and sigh, "wow, what a bitch," I hear him mumble, I glare at him,

"look, Sam," I hiss his name, "I don't want to be here my mum and dad only sent me here because-" I stop talking and look at the floor, I sniff the air, I smelt vampire; want to know what vampires smell like? Okay. Vampires smell of blood and pinecones, much different from werewolves; even in human form werewolves smell of dog, that's how you know someones a werewolf. Anyways, so I look up at him and he looks like he is concerned about me, "who are you?" I hiss, he smiles,

"I'm Sam Locke," he stands up and holds out a hand for me to shake, which is weird because vampires have ice cold skin and they never let anyone touch them, I go to shake his hand and he tenses up, I stop my hand when it's near his and smile, I grab his hand; no, not vampire. I try not to show I thought he was a vampire, I shake his hand and let go of his hand,

"I'm Lizzie Gray, but seriously, I don't think we should sleep together," woah, that sounds wrong, my cheeks go bright red, "well, not like that... you know what I mean!" I say when Sam starts laughing, "so Sam why did you tense up when I went to shake your hand? You scared of germs? If so why did you offer it to me?" I smile sweetly; this is fun, Sam looks right into my eyes, werewolf, had to be,

"I thought you were..." he stops talking, I laugh, "what's funny?" I smile,

"you thought I was a vampire, yeah, I know a lot of werewolves, sometimes vampires, say that," I smile at his shocked face, I hold up my hands, "don't worry, vampire hunter only, but why do you smell of vampire?" Sam sniffs his top,

"ooh... I don't know, might of worn this when I killed one," he looks at me, "this is a weird conversation," I nod,

"oh by the way, vampires live around these areas, so, look out. That's why my parents sent me because they want my hunting skills to improve, I'd rather not though," I say walking over to my bed and sitting down, "oh and don't talk to me, if I think a werewolf is a vampire, I'd rather not risk talking to anyone just incase, plus, I hate dogs," he growls at me, "what? It's the truth!" I pull a book out from my bag and start reading it, he was still looking at me, bloody creepy werewolf, "I'm not talking to you anymore, stop looking at me with those vampire eyes," he looks insulted, "what? Most werewolves have golden eyes!" He storms out and I just continure reading.

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