Chapter Ten - Over My Dead Body... Literally

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I wait behind a boulder as Laina speaks to a group of vampires, I guess being a vampire has it's perks, I feel a hand on my shoulder, I look up, "can I go in?" I ask, she nods and I stand up, I watch as the vampires turn and hiss at me but I just walk past them with Laina,

"wait here I'll get the key," Laina whispered before adding, "wait here, hunter," louder so the vampires knew nothing was up, I leaned on the entrance to the cave, and scanned the area, vampires were everywhere, they were staring at me, then one vampire caught me eye, I focused and I heard myself gasp, he started walking towards me,

"hey Lizzie, glad to see you," I just stared up at him... when did this happen? I sniff the air, yes definitely a vampire,

"dad? Your a vampire?" I ask, this cannot be happening! JESUS CHRIST!

"Yes hunny," he puts his had onmy cheek, "your here to save the vampire and werewolf, arn't you?" I nod, no other vampire heard this, luckily, he removes his hand, "but," he starts, "you'll have to choose," I just stare at him,

"what do you mean, choose?" My dad shakes his head and puts his hand on my head,

"choose who is worth saving," I shake my head,

"both of them are," I say removing his hand from my head and crossing my own,

"no, no, hunny," my dad looks into my eyes, "you have to choose, otherwise John won't let you leave the cave, you can only save one... hunny, don't make the decision with this," he pokes my head, "do it with this," he pokes my chest, I know, my dads cliché... I guess that's why I love him,

"I can't, dad I don't know ho-" I was cut off,

"come on Lizzie, time to say hello to your friends," I turn to Laina, she stops when she sees my dad, she nods her head and grabs my arm practically dragging me with her, I take one last look at my dad.


"Lizzie!" I hear the voice before I see him, I round the corner and run towards the cage,

"Aaron!" I look for Sam, "where's Sam?" Aaron shakes his head,

"it's not good, John took Sam, saying something about teaching a lesson about being in... being friends with a hunter," after a while I realise Aaron changed what he was about to say,

"Aaron what did he need teaching a lesson for?" He pauses and ducks his head down,

"for being in-love with a hunter," my eyes widen,

"he loved me?" I say leaning on the cage, "I... didn't know..." I say quietly, I feel a hand intertwine with mine,

"don't worry Lizzie, it wasn't obvious, you couldn't have known..." I look at Aaron, he was staring at out hands, I squeeze his hand reassuringly,

"I'm getting you out of here Aaron," I take my hand from his and get the key from Laina, I hold the lock in my hand and put the key in, a hand falls over mine,

"don't... go save Sam... you can only save one of us," I shake my head,

"I don't get it, how can I not save you both?" Aaron genuinely looks sorry, he takes a deep breath,

"if you save me, by the time you reach Sam, he'll be dead... If you save Sam, by the time you come back here, I'll be dead... John has it all thought out..." I shake my head and start unlocking the lock,

"by the time, I get there... you can do that fast thingy, we can get there and stop it, plus we have Laina... and hopefully my dad," I hear a snort behind me, I get the cage door open and look at Laina,

"your dad won't help us, he's with them!" She points to the ceiling, I nod,

"fine," I turn to Aaron, "can you get me there?" He nods, I walk over to him and wrap my hands around his neck, he wraps his hands around my waist, I lean my head on his chest and then I feel the air as we go towards the sight.


I feel Aarons hands release my waist, so I remove my hands off his neck and look up at him, he looks down, we were so close... we could've kissed... I hear Laina cough and I take a step back, stop thinking of these things Lizzie! You have a werewolf to save! I turn towards Laina, she was pointint at a rock, laying on the rock was a body, a human body, I sniff the air and look at Aaron, "Sam," we say in unison, I start running towards him and I feel air go past me, wow.. leave me behind much, when I reach Laina and Aaron, I catch my breath and look at Sam,

"you should've choosen... you couldn't save them both, now look at what you made me do, hunter," I turn to see John standing there with a gun pointed at me, "sure I can't kill vampires with a gun.. but, Lizzie, I can kill you," I just stare at him, "of course, if you give me your vampire boy and Laina, I will let you live," I look at Laina then Aaron, they were both looking at Sam, "deal?" I take a step forward,

"over my dead body," I say, "literally," I add, I feel someone hold my arm and I turn to see Aaron staring down at me, "let go Aaron," I say trying to free my arm, no use,

"are you crazy?" Aaron looked almost sad... almost, "he will kill you!" I stare back up at him, I get my arm free and step back,

"why do you care Aaron? When we met you hated me! You bit me! You drank my blood!" I hear John laugh but I don't turn, Aaron takes a step towards me,

"okay 2 things... 1, it was a drop of blood... 2, I don't hate you anymore... you're special Lizzie! You didn't kill me!" I shake my head, "or was that because of Logan?" I hear John laugh again, I turn to look at him, 

"shut your fucking mouth!" I shout at John, he looks at me surprised, 

"no one speaks to me like that, and gets away with it," he pumps the gun (or what ever you do when the thing makes a k-chu, sound...), he holds it up to me and I stand my ground, 

"I'm not scared of you!" I shout again, "you and your fancy gun, you're a vampire for fucks sake! You don't need a gun," John lowers the gun, I carry on, "also, you could've killed me, but you didn't... why not?" I take another step towards John, he steps back, even though I was nowhere near him,

"I wanted to see your pain," he hesitates, air whips infront of him and his gun vanishes from his hand, "what the-" he says, he looks at me, I smile, 

"the real reason, please... maybe its because Sam," I point at Sams body, "loves me... or maybe it's because you can't bring yourself to do it!" I laugh and John just stands there, I turn to Laina who was pointing the gun at John, I nod my head, she fires, I go over to Sam, "Sam..." I say, I feel a hand on my shoulder, I turn to see Aaron,

"he's not dead, believe me," I nod, "also, Lizzie?" I wait, "thanks for saving me and not killing me," I smile, "why didn't you?" I think,

"it wasn't because of the whole Logan thing..." why didn't I? I try to think... THINK! Then it hits me, oh my god.. I'm stupid! It's been staring me in my face!

"Why didn't you?" I look to the ground... I didn't love Sam back... I couldn't... I hate dogs for 1 and 2... Sam wasn't the right guy... but the right guy couldn't be... could it? I shake my head, "Lizzie?" I look up at him,

"I guess it's because, I-" I get cut off, Aaron kisses me, I kiss him back, I wrap my hands around his neck and he rests his hands on my hips,

"is it because of that?" Aaron says when he pulls away, I nod,

"I guess it was," I smile.

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