Chapter Three - I Knew It!

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I hear a noise of the cabin door open, it's probably Sam, so I remain still with my eyes close, I hear footsteps coming closer to my bed, then the foot of my bed dips down with weight, what? What the fuck? I open my eyes, pretending to have just woken up, it was dark out, Miss Big Mouth must have let me keep sleeping, I sit up and look to the foot of my bed, a boy was sat there. No not any boy... A freaking cute ass boy, "umm.. hello?" I say to him, he stands up and comes to the side of the bed, I don't move but I watch him, he sits directly infront of me... sniff... uh.. VAMPIRE! I frown, pretending not to notice and he chuckles, a deep sexy ass chuckle too might I add, showing his fangs, I just stare at him, "what do you want vampire?" He shakes his head and looks me right in the eye,

"I want you," he whispers, he leans closer, oh man this boy was soo sexy and hot! Wait! It's a vampire Lizzie, wake up! "And not just your blood," he says, he kisses my lips and I find myself kissing back, wow, I'm a slut! The boy pulls away and starts kissing my neck, okay, this was hot, I feel his mouth open, okay, this is not hot! I jump up and get away from him, "what's wrong?" He says, I open my mouth to say something as my back makes contact with the back wall, then he's kissing me again. Okay, yes I was far away from him but vampires are super fast. So I find myself kissing him back. Wait! I was sleeping fully clothed yeah? So I have my shoes on.. So I can run! I feel a hand on my neck and the boy pulls away, great, now I'm being suffocated by a hot boy, great, just, great!

"Let go of me vampire!" I say, I bring my foot up and kick him in the balls, works everytime! I sprint to my bedside table and grab a stake then run out the door, I look around, and run into the forest, don't ask whether it was to the left or right, because, I don't fucking know. I hear footsteps behind me, followed by a voice,

"don't you want me, hunter?" God I hate being called hunter, I go faster, but trees hate me! I trip over a tree root, "I have you now!" I look up, it was a full moon, wait! A full moon, and I just ran into a vampire infested woods where a werewolf (if Sam changed) can come out at any minute, I watch the boy approach, I scamble to my feet and turn to run... then I remember! The place I saw Sam and his dad talk! Maybe Sams there! I change direction and loop back round to go towards the cabin, not a good idea, the boy blocks my path,

"oh hi," I say readying the stake in my hand, "look, what ever you want I'll give it to you... in the safety of my cabin," the boy thinks and steps aside, I walk and when I see where I sat on the bench earlier and where Sam went, I sprint towards it, vampires are so stupid! I keep running even thought I'm sure that Sam wouldn't be there, I stop at the rock I hid behind and go into the exact same spot Sam and his dad were talking, then I see him, "oh, daddy vampire!" I say in a fake cheery voice,

"hello Lizzie, or is it Elizabeth? I can't remember," I frown, "oh and also," he says, "now!" He shouts, I whip round to see a werewolf emerge from the trees, 

"Sam," I say, the werewolf stops walking and looks at me, "you can hear me, can't you?" The wolf sniffs the air and looks to his dad then me, wait, the wolf? No, Sam looks to his dad then me, "Sam?" I say again, I hold out my hand but Sam growls at me, "charming," I say, I start walking backwards as Sam walks towards me, but yet again, I back into someone, I turn around and its the boy, he grabs my shoulders and kisses me,

"Zack!" Sams dad hisses, he pulls away and puts a finger on my lip,

"another time, hunter," I smile,

"in your vampiric dreams!" I say once again kicking his balls, I start running but someone or something tackles me to the ground, I roll onto my back, it was Sam, "Sam! Get off! I only hunt vampires!" I say and I hear a laugh coming from behind him, I look to see his dad coming to crouch beside me,

"I'm John Locke by the way," I smile,

"how charming, the vampire has a normal name," I look at Zack behind him, "and he hires perverts," I laugh at Zacks face,

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