Elfen Lied: Lucy's Return

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"It's....working." Kouta had said, as the clock began to tick back and fourth.

"Kouta, did you fix our clock!?" Yuka yelled, from inside their home.

"N-no...." Kouta looked at the door suddenly. There stood the figure of a young woman.

"N-Nyu?" Kouta asked, as he ran to the door. "Is it really you, Nyu?" Kouta asked, unaware of whether or not he truly wanted to know the answer to his question.  He pushed the door open, and the young woman walked in. She had long curly pink hair, two red ribbons, and a tight fitting, frilly red and pink suit.

"Hello~!" Said the woman in a rather enthusiastic tone.

"Hi...." Kouta said, feeling a bit dissapointed.

"You seem rather down. Now, why is that?" Said the woman, almost teasing him. She put her hand on his cheek. Kouta began to blush. "Hm. You're pretty cute." The woman said, flirting now. Kouta's face turned beat red.

Yuka finished cleaning up the dishes and walked outside, expecting to see Kouta feeding Wanta his dinner. Instead, she happened to walk into a very intimate first meeting.

"K-KOUTA!!!!" Yuka hollered, furious. "And YOU!" She pointed at the woman. "Just who do you think you are, coming into MY-I'm sorry, OUR home, putting your dirty little paws all over him, huh!?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. Is he your boyfriend?" Yuka was taken aback by the woman's snide comment. "You're quite the lucky woman." She smiled and slowly removed her hand from Kouta's warm face.

"Why I outta...." Yuka held her fist back.

"So...uh...what is it that you wanted?"  Kouta asked, trying to forget about being embraced.

"I'm here for one purpose, and one purpose only!" The woman said, her index finger shooting up into the air. "I'm looking for someone. And I sort of...uh....sensed that she could be here. Or, around here anyway. Do you know anyone who shows up here every now and then?"

Could she be talking about Nyu? Kouta thought, worried.

"Why are you looking for her?" Kouta demanded.

"I don't really think that's any of your concern. All I need to know is whether or not you've seen anything strange around her-"

"Then I have no information for you. I'm sorry, but I'll have to ask you to leave now." Kouta said, annoyed.

"W-What!?....How dare you, throw a woman of such high class and beauty out of your house, like garbage! You'll be paying, once my father hears about this!" The woman stormed out of their front yard, feeling angry and embarrassed.

"Wow, you showed her." Yuka snickered.

Elfen Lied: Lucy's ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now