Bookshop - Chapter 20

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April 2013:

Melody's pov:

I couldn't stop thinking about Harry and what happened earlier. It wouldn't leave my thoughts though and so I done the only thing I could have to distract me and called Harry. He picked up on the second ring.

"Hey" I said.

"Hi" he replied and i swear he sounded..nervous?


"From anything in particular?"


"Same, god I was too scared to phone" he admitted.

"Great, come over. My mums not home?"

"Of course" he said and hung up.

I lay comfortably on my couch waiting.

Once I heard a couple knocks at the door I rushed over and flung it open. I pounced on Harry, I'm ashamed how needy I am but I seriously just had to.

We kissed feverishly and sloppily through my door, not forgetting to shut it behind us. Harry was holding me up and my legs were wrapped around his waist while we kissed.

We fell onto the couch, Harry on his back while I straddled him. We were still kissing and it was getting heated.

My hands were running all over his body, feeling every inch of him and his soft tanned skin. He moaned into my mouth.

I wasn't thinking straight which lead to any rational thoughts to be forgotten.

Harry's hands wandered down to my bum and he squeezed while also pulling me closer, if possible.

I broke the kiss and moved my lips down his jaw and onto his neck. I left small kisses along his neck, biting hard once meaning to leaving a mark.

"Take off your top" I instructed. He sat up and leaned against the back of the couch while I was still in my previous position. He leaned forward and forcefully pulled his top off leaving his chest completely exposed. I took in his tattoos, his non surprising abs and his extra two nipples he told me about one time. They were barley noticeable from a distance but up close you could see them well.

I ran my hands along his chest and along his abs, feeling his stomach muscles. I leaned forward kissing him softly on the lips before trailing down his jaw again and onto his chest. I kissed down to his hips, teasing him and moving back up. I stole a glance at Harry and he looked captivating, with a frustrated but turned on look.

I leaned back and quickly pulled my top off. I flung it behind me not really caring where it landed. Harry's eyes just about popped out and his jaw dropped. I had to admit his reaction made me feel good.

He gripped onto my waist tightly as if I would disappear. He moved his hand up and down while mumbling how soft my skin is. I watched his face while his hand moved up my stomach and stopped under my bra. His fingers skimmed over my bra and I held my breath. I was so sexually frustrated and needed him so bad. He leaned forwards this time leaving open mouthed kisses down my chest and across my stomach. He nipped at the exposed part of my breast and I let my bad fall back slightly. Pure bliss.

With Harry's mouth against my skin and us both sitting half naked was when my mum decided to come back. As soon as we heard the key in the door we jumped apart. I scrambled around for his top and flung it at him. As quickly as possible I grabbed mine from where it landed on the tv and shoved it on. We looked fine except for the love bites, the messy hair and swollen lips.

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