Bookshop - Chapter 18

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March 2013:

Harry's pov:

We parked up outside ice skating and straight away Melody's face brightened up. She looked over smiling really big.

"I've never been ice skating before" she said. I mentally high fived myself because I didn't even know that.

"Great because neither have i" I said. Melody smiled even more at that and hopped out of the car in excitement. I followed behind her as she was skipping her way to the entrance. I burst out laughing, she looked like a little girl. While skipping she turned around and made a funny face. But before I could do one back she was facing forward and skipping through the entrance.

When I stepped through the doors, thankful for the heat which wouldn't last long, Melody was waiting by the counter. I strolled up and got the guys attention.

"How many?" The guy Matt asked, which I read from his name tag.

"Two" I told him.

"What size?"

"Ten and a half" I replied.(a/n keep in mind I live in the UK so shoe size could be different)

Melody shot me a weird look. Matt looked over at Melody waiting for her answer.

"Two" she squeaked. I took a look at her feet. They were tiny and id never actually noticed that before.

"Okay take off your shoes" he instructed. It took Melody only a second to get hers off considering she was wearing boots. I was still wearing my converse I went cycling in, which has lots of laces and took me a good minute or so. I could see Melody suppressing a laugh from the corner of my eye.

Once the shoes were off, we both sat them on the counter. Matt grabbed them and walked away to search for two pairs of skates.

"Your feet are tiny" I told her. She glared at me and I had to admit it was pretty freaky.

"And your feet are big" she retorted.

"Yeah I know" I said. She didn't look to happy with my reply and was probably expecting me to get defensive but they are just feet.

Matt was quick and handed over our skates. I paid him which surprisingly was expensive but it was worth it. I guided Melody over into the room Matt told us to go to where we could put on our skates. We sat on the bench next to each other, like really close and I was getting nervous.

I slipped on both skates, sat and watched Melody put on hers. We both waddled over to the gate which led into the ice rink. I went in first and had to grab on to the side in order to hold myself up.

Maybe this wasn't a good idea.

Melody stepped in after me and looked around. I probably noticed the fact she was about to fall before she did so I reflectively let go of the side and grabbed onto her. Which ended with me on the ice and Melody safely landing on top of me.

We both burst out laughing, while she was lying over my stomach and I was on the freezing cold ice.

She crawled off of me and put her hands out to reach the side. She pulled herself up into a stable position and I copied her.

We were both skating around holding and trying to not fall over again.

We went in circles maybe four times before Melody let go and tried skating on her own. She slipped again and fell but managed to get back up and gracefully began skating. She wasn't a pro or anything but she was doing pretty good for her first time.

I didn't want to look like I was scared so I tried to skate on my own. I wasn't surprised when I fell at least six times. I managed to get a good stable movement going eventually and only fell a few more times whereas Melody was skating just about perfectly and had only fell a couple more times.

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