One thing on my mind

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From the moment I wake up, to the moment I fall asleep, I have a million thoughts running through my mind. But the only thing that is constant among my thoughts, is you. I see a million faces everyday, every month and every year I come across a hundred faces but just one face stands out from them. And that's yours. I wonder why. Why you? I often wonder how. How I got so lucky to have met you . There's 7 billion people out there , 7 continents on earth and 7 seas from which I could have been a part of. There's 7 billion faces, 7 billion souls and 7 billion hearts but I had the privilege to fall in love with yours.  I don't know how to prove, how much I adore you. I wish you could see you through my eyes. Believe me when I tell you that no one can ever replace you in my life. You mean everything to me and not even any supernatural force could change that.

~ me

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