Chapter 2

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Seth was up early as usual. He waited for everyone to go before he went downstairs and ate breakfast, after eating he went upstairs and cleansed himself and then went next door to Mr. Terry's home.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

He knocked three times and waited for someone to answer. Soon he could hear footsteps approaching the door and soon it opened. When Mr. Terry saw the black haired boy in front of him, he immediately thought of Naomi, whom is Seth's mother. A big grin flashed across his face, "You're Naomi's nephew Seth, come on in!" Mr. Terry said happily as he ushered Seth in, not giving him a chance to respond
Seth had a displeased look on his face when he heard that he was known as the nephew of his mother. She had officially disowned him and the hole in his heart ached and grew bigger. He quickly put on a fake smile, "Sorry to bother you Mr. Terry but I wanted to ask if you wanted to hire me to do chores so that I can earn money", he said with a desperate look on his face.
"You're no bother at all. So it is that time now, looking for a way to earn money. A sense of independency, eh? I remember when I was young like you..." Seth stopped listening after that because he knew how talkative Mr. Terry can get. "Sure. I have some chores around that I can't be bothered to do, that's if you think you can complete them then they're all yours" he finished. A small smile crept to the edges of Seth's mouth, finally he heard what he wanted. Mr. Terry showed him around the mansion so that he would be able to choose what he wanted to do. "How much would you give me for cleaning your basement?" Seth asked after the tour.
"Well since its so big, you can clean half of it today and I'll give you seventy dollars for it"

After Mr. Terry gave Seth the cleaning supplies, he left him alone. Seth began his cleaning with determination shining within his eyes.
Days after Seth can be seen at different parts of the mansion cleaning, he even had his own set of duplicate keys to the house because of how often he was over there. Seth and Mr. Terry grew closer as the days passed by.  He sometimes ate breakfast and lunch at Mr. Terry's who insisted on Seth calling him by his first name Cade. Cade taught Seth how to use the computer and different things he could do on it and soon he bought Seth a laptop so that he could keep on impressing Naomi, unfortunately for him Naomi didn't know anything about his kind deeds. Cade never questioned why Seth knew next to nothing about electronics when he was grown in such a rich home.

Throughout the course of two weeks, Seth earned over a thousand dollars but continued working for Cade.

The day they were going camping was two days away. Seth thought that maybe they were going to surprise him with an invite to join them on the camping trip but it never came. Slowly his excitement died down and was replaced by anxiety, many negative thoughts ran through his head. He decided not to let these thoughts consume him and bite the bullet and ask instead of waiting. It was currently dinner time and so everyone was present inside the house and all of them were gathered in one room.
He opened the door to his room and went down to the first floor to the dining room.
He peeped into the room and was greeted by smiling faces and flowing conversations filled with happiness. He felt his heart squeeze at the sight and lifted a hand to clutch at where the pain was coming from. Seth took a deep breath and slowly let it out to calm himself before stepping out of his hiding place. He took small unsure steps up to the table, the first to spot him was Tiana. "What's he doing here?", she said pointing in Seth's direction. This caught the everyone's attention as they looked in the direction she was pointing. At the sight of Seth everyone's face turned sour, "What do you want?", this sentence came from his mother and it was not said in a loving manner either. The hate dripping from her tone was tangible and made one's heart ache by hearing it and that person was Seth.
"Is that the only syllable you know?", mocked Daniel with a smirk on his face. Seth swallowed the pool of saliva in his mouth while hurriedly shaking his head no to Daniel's question.
"I want to go too!", Seth blurted out under the pressure of their stares. Confusion flashed across their faces before they caught on to what he was talking about. They all bursted into mocking laughter. "Who'd bring something like you along, get out of our sights. Don't show your disgusting face around us again. You're lucky we even remember to feed you", this came from Dave.

Those sentences pierced through him like bullets and tore at his heart. He had no choice but to return to his room and silently cry in frustration, anger, sadness and betrayal.
His own mother treated him like trash. And his only blood related sibling treated him even worse.

Why don't they like me?
What did I ever do to them?
Why must I suffer this way?

And like that he fell asleep with the question 'why' floating around in his head. That night many horror films and bloody scenes flashed by in his dreams with his 'family'sfaces covered in blood.

Finally the day came and Seth had dark circles around his eyes hatred burning deep in them. The day after the confrontation he woke up numb and unfeeling. Seth woke up feeling different from before, something felt missing. He stayed in his room the whole day in the same spot. Thoughts coursing through his mind nonstop, one kept popping up more than the others.
'A new family', one that would love and care for him and treat him as a fellow human being. Smile with him, laugh with him, share secrets and make mischief together. Just like in the movies.

The problem now was how to get rid of the one he had now?


Currently, they were packing their things for the trip into their family van that they used when they were going on far away trips. He heard their footsteps racing and echoing throughout the house and echoing through his mind. His dark eyes watched as they piled into the van and watched as they drove away. He noticed that Cade was taking pictures. At that moment when the van drove away, a switch flipped in Seth and a sinister look was painted on his face.
It was my idea to go on the trip yet they left me here. They always left me out of things, never included me. I watched as they celebrated their birthdays and forgot mine. Why must they treat me this way when I have never done anything to them.

Images of Daniel and Tiana's mocking faces and hate filled words flashed across his mind. He remembered when he just came to this place and his mother started to avoid him. And whenever he saw Dave he would shout after him to get out of his sight. He was never treated nicely after his father kicked them out of the house and divorced his mother. It was hell after that for his four year old self and when his mother married Dave it became even worse.

All of this would affect anyone subjected to it in a negative way and Seth was no exception. His heart was screaming at him to destroy the root of his pain, to destroy his family.
But to kill them would mean that he would end up in jail, and he did not want to go there. He didn't want to live behind bars like he always have, he wanted to be free.
Going to jail would not be a problem if he played his cards right. He's watched a lot of crime shows to know what he should and should not do and avoid being a suspect of a crime.
He formulated a plan for the rest of the day, with a heavy feeling of loss resting on his shoulders but a hint of excitement was there.

They would be gone for a week and so he had until then to execute his plan with perfect precision.

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