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It was July 2008 and Bill Williamson was looking through the window of his room in the 17th floor of a hotel that was located at St.Petersburg, Russia. He was using a binoculars to view another room that was on 14th floor of a hotel that was 200yards away from his. He treated this job with great care since he wanted it to be the last he would pull for Dzeko Petrovic, a famous rich gangleader who lives in Moscow. Bill had gone rogue since 2006 when he was sent by the CIA to assassinate Dzeko only when he found out that Dzeko could offer him three times the money the CIA payed him to do their dirty works in Asia. Bill had been a deep cover CIA hitman since 1998 but after being offered a retirement deal by Dzeko he faked his death and started working for the arrogant rich bastard since then. Three days ago he received a phone call from Dzeko at his apartment in Moscow about this job that would pay him alot of money. This was just what he was looking for, a job that would pay him enough money to quit working for Dzeko who was going down. Dzeko had created alot of enemies from different parts of the world due to his illegal business deals and many countries were sending their best agents to assassinate him with all his gang. Bill wasn't willing to fall with this guy since he was a man who considered loyalty as weakness. This is the reason why he changed his phone number every month,he wanted to be payed on cash, Dzeko only knew him by a name Mr. Ghost, and after every job he moved to a new residence.



JULY 2008

Tim Hudson was in his black Cadillac Escalade that was parked across the street opposite to a high school at E 12th street glancing at a blonde kid sitting at a bench outside the school eating an ice cream. Few minutes later a woman wearing fashioned cloths as usual pulled a red Jeep near the boy, got out, hugged the boy and then they drove off in their jeep. Tim then looked at his watch, it was 1530 hrs so he decided to report in to the woman he had been reporting to for the past seven days. He dialed the number after few minutes of waiting, he heard "hallow "so he started talking, " Hey mysterious lady m reporting in, ". There was no response so he decided to cut to the chases, "As usual the boy was out of school at 1500 hrs, he went to buy ice cream and the went back to sit on the bench ".The lady on the other of the line then asked, "when did his mom come to pick him up? ".Tim replied, "She was 30 minutes behind today, by the way can u tell the general that if he wasn't paying me good money,,,, ".He was immediately interrupted by the woman in the phone, "Stop being pathetic Tim, today is the last day you are stalking that woman, so what if you tell the general yourself?!! ".Tim sighed then replied, "Hey honey! are u as sexy as your voice sounds? ".He heard the woman laughing, then she tod him, "We are meeting the general at the motel that will be emailed to you in 10minutes,m out! ".

Tim parked outside the motel that was emailed to him, and walked to the receptionist to request for the package as he was instructed in the email.Before he reached the receptionist desk, he tried to remember the question he was supposed to ask as a code word, and after it clicked in his mind, he smiled and walked towards a seriously looking old lady. Standing infront of her desk he asked, "WHEN DOES THE DOG BARK?".The old lady looked at him for several minutes,and then she answered him as she was bending to reach something in the drawer, "ONLY IN THE MORNING ".She then stood,offered him a brown envelope which he immediately took and went to sit on the couch just opposite. He opened up the envelope only to find a key inside it, he looked if there was a note inside it but there wasn't. He thought for few seconds, he brighted and looked at the key imprint that was written "ROOM 06".

Tim opened the door of room no 6 by the key he found in the envelope and when it was wide open General Michael Vaugh came into view as he was smoking cigar on the arm chair. As he was entering the room shutting the door behind him he heard a voice from behind, and by its sexy tone he immediately recognized that it was the lady he was reporting to on the past seven days. He turned to look backwards, he came into view of a very beautiful lady, brunette, stylish, full breasted, narrow waisted and wearing a mini skirt such that he could see almostly a half of her beautiful thighs. He couldn't hear what she was saying until the general's voice interrupted, " Don't even think about it Tim, that is the last item in the world I want you to touch ". He turned back to the general, he greated him, and went to sit on the chair on the side of general as the beautiful lady was sitting on the bed opposite to him.

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