S12 Ep.2: "Not My Finest Hour"

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[ Shows the sun rising ]

[ Tay and the twins are in the kitchen making breakfast ]

Tay Confessional: This past week has been pretty chill. As far as i know everybody is cool with everybody.

Shannon: Tiffany is so annoying.

Tay Confessional: I guess i was wrong.

Tay: What did she do girl?

Shannon: I'm sorry? Have we not been living in the same house? Tiffany is irking my f***ing nerves.

Shannade: Understatement.

Shannon Confessional: Living in the same room with Tiffany has been really taking a toll on my patience. This woman either needs to move rooms or GO HOME.

Shannade: That bitch has been trying it for too f***ing long. She's going home next... and that's on my f***ing mother.

Tay: It'll be okay y'all just hang in there. She just might surprise y'all and be a super chill person.

Shannon: When pigs fly.

[ Everybody laughs ]

[ Summer is sitting outside in a chair ]

Summer Confessional: It's been a week and I still feel the same way i did the day we moved in. Everybody has like already bonded and s*** and at this point i just don't feel like being here.

[ Dreamdoll comes outside ]

Dreamdoll: Hey girly.

Dreamdoll Confessional: I've been trying my hardest these past few days to include Summer in the s*** we been doing, but she's just so closed off from everybody and some of the girls are starting to notice.

Summer: Hey wassup?

Dreamdoll: Nothing much. Just wanted to come out here and talk to you alone cause i feel like you've been real distant from us.

Summer: Yeah... i apologize for that i honestly have just been super anxious. Sometimes i just don't know what to say so i just don't say anything at all you know?

Dreamdoll: Yeah i feel you, but i just wanted to let you know that if you ever wanna hang out or talk i'm here for you girl okay?

Summer: Thank you i really appreciate that.

[ Dreamdoll hugs Summer ]

Summer Confessional: Talking to her really made me feel a little more comfortable being here, so i think i might try to engage a little more often. Let's see where this goes.

[ Shows Florence and then zooms in on the house ]

[ Everybody getting dressed up ]

Shannade Confessional: Finally we're deciding to go out and party for the first time! Let's see what this Florence scene is looking like.

Dreamdoll: Tay where's my highlighter?!

Tay: Check in my makeup bag!

Dreamdoll Confessional: So we're about to have a night out on the town, and i notice that Summer isn't dressed at all.

Dreamdoll: Summer you're not coming with us?

Summer: Naw i think i'm gonna hang back and chill for the night.

Dreamdoll: What happened to including yourself more? You're never gonna make friends in this house if you don't step out of your comfort zone.

Summer: ... I don't know what you want me to say like...?

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