The loud boom rings in my ear as I continue down the path, not daring to look behind me. The gunshot was a new thing my father started a year ago after he finally lost it with me running away. It notified everyone in the castle and the village that I was trying to run away again. I could hear loud running footsteps coming towards me. A smile traced my lips as I continued down the path with ease, no fear of them catching up to me.

This was a game to me, and I always win. I picked up my speen, running faster and faster under I was almost a blur of black. I carefully glanced up, and screamed.

I felt the body faster than I realized it was their. We rolled over and over until we finally came to a spot. I regret looking up. Brown eyes pierced into mine, the smooth color of rich dirt. His shortly cut, messy brown hair blew in the small breeze.

I hop onto my feet, pulling my hood farther over my face in fear the man would recognize me as the princess.

"Wait-!" I'm off before he finishes. I had wasted enough time and needed to make it up. I sprinted at my full speed towards the noisy village. A small buzz floated over everyones head as they talked about the runaway princess. My father said that if someone was able to catch be and return me, they would get 100 cartings.

"There she is!" I risk a glance back towards the group of guards that chased me. The meating must have been very important if he sent this many guards. My breathing was heavy now, my legs feeling weaker. I wasted a lot of my speed trying to get away from the man before he could grab me or chase after me.

"Shit." I whispered under my breath as a line of big men guarded the entrance to the village. Desperately looking around for a place to hide, I tighten my hold on my cloak and make a run to the right.

Branches hit me in the face, thrones scratching at my arms and legs as if they were also trying to stop me. I dodged bush after bush, feeling the once loud shouts of guards and villagers fading into the fog.

Once i'm positive no one is following me, I slow my pace. I have never been to this part of the woods, that's for sure. The trees where all different, the birds songs were quieter, the bushes and branches where wild and untamed.

I was lost in my thoughts when the sound of a branch snapping in half brought me back to attention. I dived into a big bush covered in small purple berries.

"Hello?" I have to cover my mouth so I don't freak out or try to talk back. My breathing gets heavy as I think of a big gurly man grabbing me and dragging me back to the castle where my angry father awaited to...who knows what.

I jumped as another branch broke, much closer this time. Footsteps creeped up closer and closer to my hiding spot. A small laugh rang through my ears.

"Come out come out wherever you are." the taunting voice sings. "Little pig, little pig let me in." he puts his hand on the bush, getting ready to tear it in half to get to me. I readied my fist right where I new his face would be, my leg out and ready to swipe under his foot.

A little smile once again traced my lips. He was playing with me, that was obvious. He was trying to scare me, thinking he'll get the first move. I act first. I jump up into the air and give a little chuckle as the man falls back. I through my first punch into his face, my knuckle meeting his cheek bone. He stumbles backward, but before he gains his balance again, I through my leg out and smoothly swipe it under his feet. He loses his balance and falls onto the cold ground.

"That was easier than I thought." I stare at the unconscious body, blood running from his nose. I slowly back away, keeping my eyes on him just incase he tries to get back up, getting ready to strike again.

"That was pretty good, for a girl." I spin on my heel, just barely getting to glimpse at the figure before getting hit in the face with a big rock. His baby blue eyes looked fierce and his wild black hair looked greasy and uncontrolled. Then everything went black.


Dear Readers,

sorry for another short chapter. like I said before, these chapters will be updated almost everyday (and sometimes on the same day), but will eventually get longer and be posted every week.

Keep Reading!

-Lily Rock

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