School day

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The end is not logical and I'm very sorry but it's been like ten days since I've updated so... please if you have ideas either comment them or send them to me another way. If you comment I promise I will respond but probably not immediately. Enjoy! -Author~chan💕


I walk into school hand in hand with Linh, skipping along the path happily. "That was a nice weekend." I tell my new girlfriend. She looks over at me and smiles. "It sure was Soph." We go to kiss then remember that there are people around. I pull back quickly. "Oops." I say, blushing.

⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ I am warning you before you read too much of this chapter that I have never been good at writing what happens at school so if I do get anything wrong please help meh

Be prepared for many of my famous time skips

We get to the atrium for orientation and look for the others. We see Biana and Dex hanging by the lockers, and Fitz sulking while getting his books from his. "Where do you think Tam and Keefe are?" I ask Linh as we walk over to our lockers. "Seems like nowadays all they're doing is either playing a prank or planning a date, so my guess is one of the two." I smile and shake my head a the thought. "You're probably right." "Do you think we should go find them? Or leave them to have their Teefe cuddle time." "I say we let them have Teefe cuddle time." I say, smiling hard. "Good choice." She says nodding and laughing like me. I pull my books out of my locker then put the lock back on and close it. I look over at my schedule and see The Universe written down for first period on Monday. "I'm gonna get going to my class now, I'll see you at lunch okay?" I tell her and she smiles at me. "Okay. I'll probably see you earlier because of break though." She pauses and I turn to leave. "I love you babe." She says. "You too" I say and blow her a kiss. I walk through the twisted corridors until I reach my classroom and inside I see a...magical time skip

Btw if you didn't get that she got to class and saw a time skip

I didn't just leave you like that I'm not that mean am I?

I leave my classroom, with little more knowledge than when I first stepped in this morning. I walk slowly until I remember what Linh said to me about seeing her if I was quick, so I grab my stuff and start to run off, trying my best not to drop anything.

I spot her by the lockers, taking her last book out. "Hey Linh!" I shout at her. She looks up, sees me and smiles. "Hey b-uh Soph." She says and I come closer. "We either need to tell people, or get better at not kissing and at not calling each other babe in public." "Yeah." I say smiling. "But I don't think that's gonna happen very easily." "Me neither ba-uh..." "And that proves my point." I say matter-of-factly. "We should get to class." I tell her and she nods slowly. "Yeah. I guess." "Bye!" I shout back at her. "See ya 'round!" She calls back as I disappear around a corner in the hall.

Time skip to just before lunch sorry I'm lazy

I hear the bells chime their intricate song, and I quickly scoop my books up and race out of class as fast as I can so I can spend more time with Linh. I find my way back to the lockers and look for Linh. "Linh!" I shout and run towards her. "Sophie!" She calls back and comes to meet me in the middle of our paths and we hug. "I missed you Linh." I tell her. "Aw Soph I missed you too!" I smile and blush. "This is gonna be hard." "What is?" She asks me. "Being apart. Stupid school." She laughs and I join in m. The others spot us and walk towards us, Keefe and Tam holding hands, Biana and Dex holding hands, and Fitz staring longingly at Dex from behind them. They get to us and we head together to get our food, helping ourselves to the assortment of interesting Elvin food. I grab Linh and pull her a bit further back from the others. "Uh Linh?" I ask her and she responds, "yeah Soph? What is it?" "Um... should we uh you know, tell them about um us. Since they don't know... like because we forgot to tell them?" "Oh um yeah sure. Maybe not a school though. Could we invite them over to Havenfield tonight? That way we can also tell your parents." "Oh. Yeah. Yep. I um. I forgot about that."


Coming out to her parents

Great, I think. Just great. I forgot to tell my parents.

Me and Linh get back in line, and once we get reach the front we fill up our plates and walk over to the table that the faster members of our group picked. "Hey guys." I say, sitting between Linh and Keefe. "How is school so far?" A chorus of 'good' sounds the air. "Well..." starts Keefe. "I didn't go to class so of course it was good. Especially since I ditched with Tam today." Linh looks over at her twin brother and glares at him. "Tam you're better than this. Go out with Keefe, but don't skip to much more school, okay?" He looks from his plate. "You're not the boss of me. I can do what I want." "Holy aggressive brother today." Linh said, sliding further away from him on the bench she was sitting on.

Ugh can I finish the chapter hereeeeee I don't have any ideeeeas

Oh and also please vote and comment if you like it! Thanks for reading💕

~1033 words~

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