part v

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  Lance had stared at Allura's sketch for hours, never getting tired of seeing the worn out, tired-looking face of his lost soulmate.

I am Keith Kogane and I was meant to love you.

The words floated through Lance's skull as if they were fish in a pond. 

I was meant to love you. 

Lance didn't like that his soulmate had said, "I was," instead of, "I am." 

  "My name is Lance McClain, and God be damned Keith, if you can here me right now I want to love you so bad. I want to kiss you and hold you and hug you because your my soulmate. My dead, stranger soulmate." Lance chuckled to himself, and Keith, making the assumption his soulmate could hear him. "I'm talking to a dead guy." Lance smiled, "I'm talking to my dead guy."

  What if I did meet him, Lance thought, nobody needs me here anyways. 

  Another voice, a new one that he'd never heard before, joined in. No Lance, Allura needs you, your readers need you. I don't, uh, I mean, Keith doesn't need you right now, you stay put.

  But I need Keith, Lance argued with the voice.

  I'm gonna do it. Lance chuckled at his desperate-ness and the price he'd pay to meet Keith. 

"Small price." Lance thought aloud, focusing on the sketch again.

"Small price for what?" Allura asked, popping her head through the doorway, making Lance jump in surprise.

"Holy shit, Allura, should I get you a bell?" Lance asked, chuckling.

"Did I scare the Lance McClain?" Allura laughed as her husband scratched at the back of his neck. 

"Yes, yes you did." Lance smiled sheepishly at his wife.

"Ten points to Gryffindor." Allura giggled, "I'm going to make dinner now, I love you." 

"I love you, too, 'Lura." Lance replied to his wife as she left the room. (A/N: I just gagged)

Lance sighed, hoping to clear his head. 

(time skippet)

After Lance had eaten dinner with Allura he reviewed the note he'd scribbled on that was to be left for Allura.

My dearest, Allura, 

I have written this in hopes that you won't call the police and tell them I'm missing, because the dirty fact is, that I am gone. I was never good at drawing, but if I were to draw my love for you it would be so grand and eye-catching that it would block out the sun. I would like to inform you that the reason I am, "gone" is in fact because of love, for I recently lost someone who wasn't close to me personally, or physically, but spiritually. His name was Keith Kogane, and as death cradled him in it's dark, luring arms, he told me that he loved me and that he was my soulmate. Don't go crazy, for I will always be beside you. Remember me, my works, and my people. Find your soulmate, and be happy without me. Go create great works of so many diverse people that you can't even begin to list off what you've done before. Have fun and be happy. Life is a story, and this is my story's end. Your story has so many more empty pages for chapters and paragraphs and sentences and words and so many things, enjoy your story.

Ever yours,

Lance McClain 

He smiled sadly at the paper as he folded it in half. 

A new beginning awaits, Lance thought.

About an hour later Allura had gone to sleep and Lance had set the note on her nightstand along with his reading glasses and his wedding ring. 

Time to do this then, yeah?

Instead of getting in his car and driving, he walked. He walked right to the bridge that connected the mainland to where he worked. For a moment he stood at the door of the bridge, breathing in the cold, salty air through his nose. He stood there at the foot of a bridge, watching as cars passed. He walked along the bridge, counting the suspension cables as he passed them. He was almost at the very middle of the bridge before he turned, looking out at the deep blue water.

"This is it, Lance." He whispered to himself. 

"Look away driving people. You can't stop me, so don't try." Lance whispered to the wind as a few more cars passed him.

Though he didn't have a very physically active job, Lance was able to shimmy up past the bars that "stopped" people from jumping from the bridge. 

He sat, perched on the bars between life and death. He heard a car screech to a stop behind him, but payed no attention to it. 

He heard a couple peoples voices behind him, but one had said something that stuck out to him.

"Who are you and why are you doing this?" The man had yelled, his voice heavy with an accent that Lance paid no attention to.

He turned his head to address the slightly growing mob, "I am Lance McClain, and I am jumping off this bridge for Keith Kogane." He screamed into the wind, letting out all of the emotions that he'd had bottled up and stuffed deep within his heart.

"Don't do it!" He heard someone shout, but it was too late. He heard people scream as someone yelled, "call the police!" 

Lance was plummeting towards the dark of the ocean, wind rustling his hair.

There was white and the silhouette of a boy. 

"Keith?" Lance asked as the light dimmed. 

"You are so stupid." The silhouette. 

That voice, that's the one that told me that I needed to stay with Allura. 

"Where am I?" Lance asked.

"Welcome to the afterlife, I'm Keith Kogane, your soulmate." 

                                                                                              - • -

the end :) 

I hope you liked, and I hope I made you cry, because I'm sobbing right now

qotd: mermaids or pheonixes?

Death Sentence ☆ A Klance Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now