Eric - Facing The Yogini ⑵

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Climber's Log , 18,000 feet ... Suddenly , the same queasy feeling I had at Bennett's , some kind of drugged incense ? Jomo Menmo ..... she asks for something that belonged to Frank  .... Muttering , murmuring ... That picture , on the wall , her apprentice , Mingma Yangzi , performed rituals with Frank , prepared him to climb the Sacred One .. Feeling ...woozy . Only Jomo Menmo can appease Goddess , Palden Lhamo's wrath  ... She says follow but don't trust senses ... Use inner eyes ...She ....drugged me .... hard follow .. Finally , reached the valley of praise ... I can't make it all out , but she's trying to appease the Goddess ... She says hush , listening to the Godess' response ..

  - Palden Lhamo's voice : ( I am here ..)

She---aahhh !!! pushed me to the cliff !! What the hell is wrong with you !!
  - Jomo Menmo : ( Brother steal Mingma ! Rape Goddess mother ! Your blood to pay ! )

Aaaaaaahhhhh !!!! -----

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