Eric - Liberation Through Hearing

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Arrrghhh. Uhhhnn. Where am I ? Uhhh. Long fall , everything hurts .... Its a crevasse, this is gonna be tricky ... Oh crap the rocks are falling , better hurry up ! Shit ... Ahhh !! Idiot !!! Of all the foolish , stupid ... Get a grip Eric , that's not going to help .... Focus on finding your bloody way out ..... What's this ! Walkie-talkie ... Still works ... Hello ?

  - Paul Ward : ( Hello ... Who ? .... Is someone out there ? .. )

Its me , Simmons ..

  - Paul Ward : ( Frank ????  My God ! )

Eric .... Eric Simmons

  - Paul Ward : ( You've got to be kidding me ! Are you lost ? I'll talk you in ..)

I don't think its the right time , I've got Khorlo ghosts all around me ...

  - Paul Ward : ( Hurry up ! If you don't figure this out , it will kill you .. )

Done , vanished them .... But they blocked the path ..

  - Paul Ward : ( Keep moving Eric , keep moving or you're gonna die ! )

Third Eye .... Path seems clear ..

  - Paul Ward : ( Good ! Great ! Now listen to me Eric , this is going to sound strange , but you've got to trust me ... I'm going to talk you out of there , just listen to my voice and everything will be OK ... )

Roger that , but what happened to the other climbers ?

  - Paul Ward : ( They waited too long , they didn't find the way out ... Now Eric , listen to my instructions... Turn right ! .....Turn around go back ..... Turn left ..... Straight ahead ! ..... Turn right ...... To your left .... You're almost there ... Careful ! Careful ! Danger ahead ...)

Feeling ....woozy .....tired ......need to ...sleep ....

  - Paul Ward : ( Wake up ! Wake UP ! Fall asleep and you're dead !... )

How can he know ? I must have gone mad ... Gotta get outta here .....

  - Paul Ward : ( Straight ahead ... Keep going ! If you start to feel warm , that's bad , very bad , it means you're shutting down .... Don't sit when you're cold , keep moving no matter how painful .... Look carefully ! There's a way down , you need to climb down ! .... Yes ! There it is , straight ahead , climb down there ! ..... Up ahead .... Blue sky and sunshine Eric ... Its up here waiting for you..... I'm at Base Camp , waiting for Bennett , I know he's going to come .... Come on Bennett what's the hold up ! I'm sick of waiting for him ..... Base Camp , Eric. Get it in your mind , hot tea with brandy , its yours , if you make it .... You're almost there ...)

Up there , the light , I made it ...... I'm on my way Paul ....

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