Kyro stepped forward. Ella stuck her hand out, Kyro saw a red flame shoot out. Kyro stuck his shield up and blocked the shot. Ella swung the ball and chain, Kyro jumped up as the ball swung underneath him. Ella stood still for a second. Kyro dropped down and ran towards her jumped up and stabbed her in the stomach. She fell down at a forceful rate.
"Oooh!" Ella Said as she flew down. Kyro jumped again and flew on top of her. He ran up her stomach and onto her face. He stabbed her in the eye. Ella transformed back into her normal form. "Good job. The next room will be harder." Kyro nodded and walked forward. Ella stopped him. "Be careful." Ella walked up and hugged him. Kyro walked off and the door behind Ella opened. Kyro walked towards the door and walked through it. The giant gray man stood there just like Ella did when she transformed.
"Are you ready?" Kyro asked him as he pulled out his sword and shield. The man swung the ball and chain around. Kyro jumped up and dodged the ball as it swung underneath him in a swift motion. The man got off balance, Kyro ran up to him as he landed. Kryo pierced the sword through his leg. The man fell down. Kyro ran up onto his stomach, then to his face and stabbed his eye. The man let out a scream. As the man was screaming Kyro stabbed him again. The man exploded into blue dust just like the other monsters.
The Kingdom In The Woods
AdventureImagine finding your true passion in the middle of the woods. Kyro was exploring the woods and found a whole new world. A world he has always wanted to live in. One he can explore without worry. The world he found is under siege though, will he be a...