Chapter 3 100 Years Later

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    Kyro woke up to a strange sound. "Get up," He heard a voice of in the distance. "Kyro, Wake up please." He started to hear crying. "It has been a hundred years." Kyro opened his eyes. "Pl-e-ase." Kyro stood up. He scanned the room. He tried to speak, but could not. "Kyro. Is that you." He saw a girl stand up from a chair. Kyro was in a dark room lying in a pool that had a strange orange and blue tint. When he stepped from the pool he was perfectly dry. The room was lit only  from a candle sitting on a bench next to the girl. A blinding light shone from the top of the room. Kyro fell over and passed out again. "Kyro!" The girl yelled. "Kryo get up!" Kyro woke up again about who he was and what was going on.
    The girl helped Kyro up. "Can you stand?" She asked helping him up. "You helped save the world." The girl got very quiet and covered Kyros mouth. They looked up and Kyro saw he was under ground. Their was very loud stomping on top of them. Dirt fell from the ceiling. There were stairs leading up to a door, which seems the exit from the underground chamber. The girl ran up to the door to lock it, but the door busted open and launched the girl to the bottom of the stairs and slammed her into the wall. Two monsters ran into the room. The monsters were a faded red and seemed about nine feet tall holding spears with blue stains at the tip. The monsters yelled a cry. The monsters jumped down the stairs and waved their spears around like crazy. Kyro looked around the room for something to use to fight them off. He looked over and saw a tree branch.
    "I could never lift that." Kyro looked at his arms. He heard the monsters charge at him. "Here goes nothing." Kyro ran to the branch and picked it up as if it was a twig. He swung the branch around viciously having the monsters fly around and slamming against the dirt wall. The monsters exploded into blue dust.
          "Kyro! Are you okay?" The girl stood up and walked towards Kyro. Kyro was very scared and confused. He had no idea who he was and who this girl was. Kyro fell to his knees and started to cry. "Kyro, no need to cry." The girl went to Kyro, bent down and comforted him.

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