Chapter 6 The Big Adventure

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Kyro stood up and saw the scattered debris from the fight. A smaller ball and chain fell from where Eox was. Ella came floating down from the sky with a magical mist and glow surrounding her.

"Good job Kyro," Ella said, she landing on the ground and walked up to Kyro and touched the top of his head with her index finger. They then were transported out of the cavern they were in, to the sky. In the sky Ella and Kyro could see a whole kingdom with a large castle right in the middle of a large colonial town. The town gets less dense at the edges and spreads into a large field south, a snowy mountain range in the west, and a volcano to the northeast. To the direct east they could see a large lake with a futuristic building in it, to the southwest there was a large desert with western style buildings, and to the southeast there was a wetland/jungle region.

As Kyro looked at the kingdom in awe, suddenly a large dark beast with swirls of dark shimmers circling it. The beast roar and shook the land. One of the towers to the castle fell.

Ella turned to Kyro, "The reason I chose you to come to this land is that I could see you had the strength and courage to save my kingdom," Ella started to cry. "My father was killed by that beast. We've run out of ways to kill that beast. Our previous hero, Link, was killed by that beast. We need you to save our land." Ella and Kyro floated down from the top of large plateau were the temple that he woke up in was.

As Kyro hit the ground gently he immediately passed out. Ella picked him up and walked him to the temple he woke up in. She set him down into the pool and disappeared.

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