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Nash's P.O.V.

I woke up, in my bed. I'm surprised I'm not in the hospital. Why didn't they take me there? Whatever I'm fine now. I walked downstairs after changing out of the now destroyed suit. As soon as I was down Alecia came sprinted towards me and hugged me really hard, panting from running so fast. I liked it of course but it makes me feel sick she doesn't feel the same. So I pushed her off, and walked outside. All I heard was Alecia screaming "Nash!" Before I bumped into two men. The guys from the restaurant!

"Hey did u come to check up on me?" I asked.

"Sorta." said the guy that had the knife yesterday morning.

Then I couldn't see. A bunch of other guys put me in a sack, I could hear, but I couldn't see and I could barely breath.

My life's been crud this week.

Taylor's P.O.V.

I'm gonna ask Clara out! What happened with Nash and Alecia, won't happen to us. We have completely different circumstances. And I know she likes me back. Nash walked downstairs. Alecia was so relieved, she ran towards him and hugged him. But he pushed her away. Man, he must be furious. He walked out. Alecia screamed his name but no answer. Then Hayes walked down... with Hannah. You can't separate them, they're so cute. We told Hayes everything, Alecia looking guilty, it wasn't her fault for trying saving they're friendship. she wrecked it from breaking his heart, but it wasn't her fault. Well it was, but we don't tell her.

"Quick somebody!" Hayes yelled. "Get him a snickers! He's not him when he's hungry!" He said laughing hysterically. Aaron and Carter joining in.

Alecia walked outside before all this. She looked in all his favorite spots to find him.

"He's gone." she walked back in disappointed and ashamed.


I loves my cliffhangers😏

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