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(I'm changing the story to be that it's after magcon is not together but they re living in an apartment in NYC together. They are still famous though)

Jack G's P.O.V.

I woke up to the blood curdling sound of screams. Clara! I ran to her room, well, sprinted.

"You ok babe?!?!" I whisper yelled, walking over to her bed.

"Shh get out! They'll figure out were dating!" She whisper yelled back

"What!?!" We turned around and looked through the bedroom door to find all the boys (except Nash of course), and in front, a teary eyed Taylor. Oh shoot.

"So you'll date Gilinksy but not me!?! You know Alecia told me u like me the first day, what happened since then! I bet that you said yes to him right after you said no to me!" By now Clara was still sitting in her bed, silent sobbing, all the other boys were still standing there. Now Taylor was angry, furious.

"ANSWER ME CLARA!!!... ANSWER ME!!!" He screamed.

"Y-yesss. it'ss true." she said sniffling.

Taylor's P.O.V.

I CANT BELIEVE IT!!!😠😡 I pushed everyone out of the way and went to my car. I was gonna go for a drive to clear my head. The song "Don't" by Ed Sheeran came on. Perfect timing. I drove to the park and walked into the woods by a ravine, my favorite place. I sat there for hours.

Alecia's P.O.V.

Jack sat down behind Clara on her bed, rapped his arms around her, and softly
rocked her side to side humming "L.O.V.E." By Nat King Cole. Repeatedly. I don't mind though.
Then they stared at me.

"What?" I asked. They just stared.

"What?!?!" Still no answer.

"Is there something stuck in my teeth?!" I asked making weird faces while picking at my teeth. This got them to a brief smile. At least I know they're not frozen. Clara looked at Jack and nodded. WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!

They got up, walked over to my bed, sat down, and forced an awkward smile.

"We can tell that your thinking about Nash." Clara said. The corners of my mouth turned down.

"And it's not helping with all our love-y dove-y ness." Clara continued.

"Wait what?! That makes no sense." Jack said. We all started laughing loudly 😂😂.

"Nash is coming home today. Got a dance prepared? We have a plan." Jack explained.

"No. I can't. Ah, I blew my chance."

"Well that's not a way to get a guy." I didn't smile, but I was no longer frowning.

"Trust us. Go to the theater at 5:00 keep dancing and dancing until Nash comes."

Now I was smiling.


Sorry I haven't updated but.... Cliffhanger evil 😈😈

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