Chapter 2

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Virgil stomped away angrily from the two men with glasses. As hard as it was to pay rent for his tiny apartment, his lease still lasted for another two years. He couldn't just disappear!

Virgil looked around and realized that Roman was nowhere to be found. He assumed that the speedy guy was in his room, so he walked over towards the door with a large R on it and knocked.

After a couple seconds, the door swung inwards, and a slightly annoyed looking Roman stood in the doorway.

"Oh, you," he said, a small hint of disgust in his voice. "What is it?"

"Logan said you'd take me to get some of my important stuff from my apartment," Virgil replied casually, pointing behind him with his thumb.

Roman let out a frustrated groan, staring in Logan's direction. "Fine. Let's get it over with."

Virgil nodded and grabbed a shaded bit of Roman's shirt and melted into the shadow.


Roman groaned. He'd just gotten back home, and he was exhausted. Not that he'd let any of the others know that, of course.

But Roman wasn't feeling quite like himself. He had a large case of déjà vu at the appearance of this "V" guy.

And now he was being told to go out again to retrieve V's things.

"Fine. Let's get this over with."

V nodded and grabbed his shirt, being sucked into it. It gave him a weird chill, but he quickly got over it and grabbed his red and white jacket.

Roman walked over to the door and exited the building. Once he was out in the open, he started speeding away towards the general area that he'd come from before.

A few seconds later, he was back in the area he and V had met before when the shadow creature had attacked him. V came out of the shade of Roman's shirt and walked over to the alleyway.

"You wait here while I get my stuff," V said before disappearing into the shadows.

Roman sighed. He sat down nearby the shadow and waited.

Roman had never liked the dark that much. He'd always had a night light growing up, and rarely left his house past sundown.

Except those few months...

Roman's eyes widened. That's why the name sounded familiar! "V" was what he had called the nameless orphan he'd befriended before he had left...

Oh god, Roman realized. I left him there all alone without explaining what was happening...

Roman hadn't really thought about it before, considering all the emotions he'd gone through on his eighth birthday. He felt a tear slip down his cheek.


Virgil jumped out of the shadows in the alleyway next to his apartment complex. As he walked in the building and towards the elevator, he couldn't stop thinking about Roman.

He just couldn't get over how similar he looked to his childhood, he had the same name and acted kind of similarly.

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