Chapter 4

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(okay I am here now and wow I'd forgotten how iconic some of the jokes I made here were lol {I also cringed a lot at the many typos} so yeah I'm gonna try and update, I'm so sorry y'all hshsjhhdhdhd writer's block likes to attack me)


Roman walked back to his treadmill, freaking out a bit. Could this V be his V from all those years ago? His story seemed to line up, besides the adoption part (though he could've gotten adopted after Roman left) but what were the chances? He couldn't be that lucky, could he?

He shook his head and got on the treadmill. He could think about it later when he wasn't busy training. What he could think about was his speed and heart rate.

He focused on his training, and everything else left his mind...

Well, the whole V thing nagged at him a little bit, but he did his best to ignore it.


Virgil sat around for a bit until his boredom got the best of him. He decided to walk over to where Patton was flying in his glass container.

He took his time walking over, looking around the room with his hands in his pockets. He noticed Logan seemed to have almost finished putting all his materials together. There was what looked like a fridge floating in front of him, with a few spare wires sticking out of the back that shouldn't usually be there. Logan focused as the wires moved around.

Virgil walked over to Patton, who was just walking out of his chamber. He looked over and noticed him. "Hiya, V!" he said. Virgil walked towards him a little faster. "What's up, kiddo? How's training goin for ya?"

"Good, I guess," Virgil responded. "I got tired pretty fast and decided to take a break."

"Well, lucky for you, there's a mandatory break in a bit!" Patton told him.


They both stood there in silence for a bit. Virgil struggled to come up with a conversation topic.

"Umm..." Suddenly, it's struck him. "Why did you call Logan 'Logi' earlier, by the way?"

"Oh! That's cause—"

The alarm went off, drowning out Patton's words.

"Break time!" he looked over at Logan. "Oh look, Logi finished making the new fridge!" He ran over to him, congratulating him on finishing. Virgil watched as Logan smiled a bit, looking sort of proud as Patton hugged him.

Welp, Virgil thought to himself, guess I'll never know.

Virgil felt a tap on his shoulder and jumped a little. He looked around and saw Roman. "What is it?" he asked.

"Come with me," he said.


"Just trust me."

Virgil raised an eyebrow but followed him anyways. They walked over to some of the gym equipment and Roman hid behind one. He motioned for Virgil to join him. He crouched next to Roman and peeked over it.

Roman peeked over as well, looking excited. Virgil followed his line of sight and saw that it landed on Logan and Patton. Patton has stopped hugging him and they seemed to be chatting.

Virgil watched as Logan took something out of his pocket and got on one knee. Patton covered his mouth with his hands in what looked like disbelief. Was Logan...proposing?

Patton squealed loudly enough for Virgil and Roman to hear. "YESYESYES!!!" he screamed, lunging at Logan and tacklehugging him. They both fell to the floor but didn't seem to mind.

Virgil looked over at Roman. "What? They're dating?"

"Yeah! You couldn't tell?" he responded. He had a ridiculous smile on his face.

"No, not at all. Though I've only been here for a day so I didn't have much of an opportunity to see."

"Fair enough," Roman said, shrugging.

They sat there, watching Patton hug Logan until the alarm went off again. Roman took him that they train for another hour before lunch, and then one or two of them go out and look for the shadow monster things while the rest stay and relax. Virgil decided to sit and hang out in the shadows for a while instead of going around in circles.


Later on, during lunch, Patton announced that he and Logan were engaged (as if they hadn't been watching).

Roman was smiling his face off the whole time. He looked over to V to see he was smiling a little as well. That made Roman a little bit happier, if that was even possible.

Once everyone finished eating, they started deciding on who'll patrol.

"Patton, Logan, you two get to stay here. Spend some time alone together," Roman demanded. "I'll take V out on patrol. He needs to know how it works, anyways."

Patton looked a bit concerned but nodded anyways. "Alright, if you're sure."

"Yup! V, come on, let's go!!" Roman grabbed V's hoodie sleeve and dragged him towards the exit.

The two exit the round room and enter the dark hallway. "So, uh..." V asked. "How exactly does this work. Do we just randomly travel around until we find something?"

"Logan is better at explaining how it works....just jump into the shadows of my pocket and I'll go around until I find one. I'll let you know when I do, okay?"

V sighed. "Alright, then..." He seemingly thinned into barely a line and flew into Roman's pocket, sending a little shiver down his spine. Ignoring it, Roman set off northwards.


Okay so I swear I wanted to make this longer but I've basically run out if ideas. I'll try my best to work on more, plus I'm making bios.

Anyways, so sorry I took so long! Not gonna lie, I stalled for like 3 hours to eat dinner and attempt to make the base from this fanfic in minecraft (yes I play minecraft ok it's fun). But I finished it!!!!! I'm excited to work on more! I'll probably post the next chapter and the bios within the next two days! Bye!

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