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Rina pulled the tray of cookies out of the oven. Her friend, who stood waiting at the counter, inhaled deeply. 

"Ahhhh, they smell so good!"her friend, Annie, exclaimed. Her mouth watered a little. She went to reach for one as Rina placed them on the counter. Rina batted her hand away and Annie pouted. "Awww, come on."

"No, you'll burn yourself. Let them cool,"Rina replied. Annie sighed at her, resting her chin on her hand. Rina turned the oven off and untied the apron from her back. She hung it up on the hook in her apartment, sighing to herself. 

"Rina, come on, why don't you go for a job in culinary?"Annie asked. Rina shot her an annoyed look. Annie laid her head on the free space of counter. "Come on, don't look at me like that. Everything you make tastes incredible, you're a culinary genius and you just won't accept it." Rina rolled her eyes. She walked back over to the sink, turning the water on. 

"That's not my goal,"Rina replied. She began scrubbing the dishes. "You know that." 

"Yeah, but still. Think of all the people you could make happy with your food...and what if you met a famous chef or something?"

"Like who?" Her friend hummed once, thinking hard. 

"Gordon Ramsay?" Rina wrinkled her nose up. Annie chuckled. 

"I can cook better than him, what would I care to meet a guy like that?"Rina asked. She sighed and placed the clean bowl on the dish drainer. "Aside from that...if I meet anyone, he better be a dreamy guy. The love of my life...someone who will not only enjoy my cooking, but will be there to keep me company when I need it." Annie sighed, sitting up straight on the stool. She watched her friend scrub the dishes hard, thinking about her dream guy. Annie smiled at her friend. She just doesn't realize that cooking might help her with that dream guy, she thought to herself. Annie checked her phone for the time and quickly stood. 

"What happened with that one guy? Marcus, or whatever,"Annie asked. Rina paused, sliding her glance over in an answer. Annie nodded, her smile dropping off. The same answer as always. A silent frown. A grim air. Annie looked down. "Well, I'm sure you'll find him some time. You know, your Prince Charming might be stuck in a tree somewhere, waiting for you to lure him down with yummy food. Like a cat!" Rina snorted. The sound of the brush scrubbing at the glass bowl continued. Water splashed around. 

"I'm beginning to think I don't have one. Ha, and if I did, my Prince definitely wouldn't be a cat. Or some guy who got himself stuck in a tree,"Rina replied. Rina rinsed the bowl off and sat it in the dish drainer. "He'd be a lot smarter than that." Annie gazed at her friend. She sighed and moved, hopping down from the stool and stretching. She grabbed her keys off the bar. 

"Alright. Well, I've got to get to the office,"Annie told her. She swiped a cookie. Rina sent her an annoyed look. Annie waved at her, leaving the apartment. Rina looked down, sighing to herself. She shut the water on the sink off and went to lock the door behind Annie. She plopped down on her couch, frowning hard. I bet I don't even have a Prince. I've tried so hard to find someone, but I just can't. She wiped her forehead off. I get that I'm only twenty-two, but still. This is really annoying. She closed her eyes and rested on the couch. Romance just isn't my thing...it never has been. She opened her eyes, looking up at the ceiling. 

Will it ever be? 


Rina sat on the balcony, staring off at the sunset. This was her favorite thing to do at night. She loved to sit out and look at the stars too. She twirled the spaghetti she'd made on her fork, nodding to herself as she took a bite. Her phone was playing music to drown out the sounds of the city. This entire city, and I've never found one guy who wants to date me. Is it something I do that's wrong? She looked down. 

A Hare's Tale(Elliot x OC)Where stories live. Discover now