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Rina slowly sat up, touching her head.

"Ow..."Rina murmured. She heard light breathing next to her. Rina turned, looking over to see Elliot. Her eyes went wide. "Elliot!" She threw herself at him--and fell to the floor. Rina blinked, looking to see she'd passed right through him. Rina frowned hard. "What the hell?" Rina looked down at her hands, seeing they were opaque. "Aw, what the fuck? I didn't die, did I?" Amused laughter filled her ears.

"No, you're not dead,"A voice spoke. Rina looked up in surprise. She saw a man standing there. He had purple hair and a funny looking hat. He bowed to her, his hand over his chest and on top of his heart. "Hello." Rina stared at him. She stood up, staying in front of Elliot, whose head was hung down. His ears were flopped over, indicating he was very sad. "My name is Joker. And you are Rina Emelia Layton."

"Woah, calling middle names out,"Rina muttered, holding her hands up in defense. "That's a crime." The mans lips curled up into a wicked smile.

"A crime, hm?" He gazed at her. He moved, crossing his arms. "Tell me, Rina. What do you think your decision is? Do you know yet?" Rina blinked at him.

"Decision?"She repeated. Joker moved, walking over to her. He grabbed a lock of her hair and pulled it up to him, bending down so he could place his lips on it.

"Yes. Your decision,"Joker repeated. He smiled at her creepily. Rina made a face at him. She moved and brushed her hair from his gloved fingers. He chuckled once and stood upright. "Do you choose Elliot or your world?"

"Uh....you're making me pick between those things? How stupid are you?"Rina asked. He stared at her wordlessly. Rina sighed and looked down at Elliot. Her eyes traced over his form. She moved, her hand going through his shoulder. She frowned, her eyes giving off a sad look. She crouched down, looking up at Elliot, her hands hovering over his cheeks since she couldn't touch him. "How could I ever pick a world of people who hate me over him?"

"Is that right?"Joker asked her. Rina turned her head to look over at him again. "Then...let's pick your role."

"My role?"

"If you stay here, you're to become a role-holder." Joker motioned for her to follow him. Rina rose back up and cast one last look at Elliot. She walked after Joker, her hair trailing behind her. "Whatever role we choose for you, you are to know the rules."

"Yeah, yeah, rules,"Rina sighed. She moved, crossing her arms behind her head. "Look dude...I'm some weird ghost right now, how exactly am I supposed to pick my role when I can't even do anything?"

"You're dreaming." Rina hummed once. Dreaming. Makes sense, she thought. She opened her eyes and paused. She and Joker were standing in a black area. She turned as the door shut to the room Elliot and her body were in. She blinked and looked back. There were tons of mirrors around, ones leading to places she could've never thought existed. Each place was listed with a name on the top of the mirror. Her eyes went wide with surprise when she saw one labeled "Earth".


"Yes. Your world,"Joker spoke. He turned and grinned at her, holding his finger up. "I can let you go if you want." Rina frowned at him. She shook her head hard. He huffed and crossed his arms. "Wow you're no fun."

"What did you bring me here for?"

"There's something we need to do." He turned and grabbed her hand. Rina blinked at him. "Let's go." He pulled her along with him, dragging her into the mirror labeled Earth. Rina's eyes went wide. She squeezed her eyes shut as he pulled her through. When she did open her eyes, she and Joker were floating in air. Rina quickly grabbed onto Joker in surprise. "Ha ha, we're not gonna fall."

A Hare's Tale(Elliot x OC)Where stories live. Discover now