The Room

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Dex was in the back of his dads store working on a new elixer for Stina when a knock came on his door.

''Deeeex you have a visiter!'' Called his dad

Dex walked to the door and pulled it open and instantly regretted it. Outside his door raising his eyebrows, teal eyes gleaming, stood Fitz.

''Oh, I thought you were Sophie.'' He said

'' well hello there to you too'' Fitz smirked

'' sorry, hi what's up?'' Dex asked

'' biana has sent me on an errand. I have strict orders to find you, deliver this paper then watch you make the elixer she asked for to make sure you don't add any pranks to get her back for the incident on Saturday.'' He handed Dex the paper

Dex skimmed it muttering under his breath.

'' fine, but while you are here, make yourself useful go get unicorn saliva, puka pus, mermaid scales and alicorn poop.'' He said, shooing fitz off

Once they had all the ingredients, they huddled in Dex's workshop and shut the door

Dex was just beginning to put stuff into a bowl when Fitz interuppted his train of thought

'' can I ask you something?'' He said


''When you kissed Sophie and found out that you didn't feel the way you thought you would feel, what it because you just didn't like her anymore, or was there another reason?''

Dex turned very red

'' ummm why?''

'' never mind sorry forget I asked.'' Fitz said quickly

They sat in an uncomfortable silence for a few seconds until Dex set down his mixing spoon and sighed

'' it was a different reason.''

Fitz looked up in surprise

Dex continued '' its just, it wasn't just Sophie, I realized that I only picked crushes based on who other people say I would be cute with... And those people are all...girls.''

Fitz's eyes widened '' you mean?...''

Dex nodded and blushed even darker

He stood up, and went to the door and twisted the was locked

''Dang, this door always gets jammed'' he sighed and looked around the room

'' there is a stick looking metal thing on the rack above my head, I'm too short to get it, can you reach?'' He pointed it out for Fitz

There was just one problem, he couldn't move around Fitz because his workspace was too tight

''Sokay, I'll reach over you.'' Fitz said

Dex blushed again and nodded, not trusting his voice at the second

Fitz came right up in from of him and stood on his tiptoes reaching over Dex's head

Dex blushed at their close proximity

He caught his breath and looked away when Fitz's outstretched arm caused his shirt to hike up, exposing a section of smooth, pale skin.

Fitz came off his toes and let out a huff, '' i can't reach it, sorry''

Dex nodded and avoided his eyes, keenly aware of how close Fitz was still

Working up some courage, he was just about to gently push him away when Fitz's arms wound around his waist and his mouth pushed to his

His eyes widened and he let out a faint squeak

Then he realized what was happening

Fitz Vacker was kissing him. The hottest guy in school, the guy who his best friend had liked for ages, the guy HE had liked for ages, was kissing him!

And just like that it was over

Fitz pulled away and ran his hand through his hair

''I'm sorry, I should not have.. When u said you... You see I like guys too, and ...well I jus figured..'' He stammered

Dex grinned and blushed really red. Then, he worked up all the courage he had and stood on his tiptoes, pressing his lips to Fitz's who stiffened then melted, he wound his arms back around Dex's waist and kissed him back. Dex felt tears on his cheeks, though whether they were his or Fitz's, he could not say. He pulled gently away.

'' i like you too you idiot.'' He said quietly

Fitz grinned an leaned back down. M

Well,I hope you liked it!!!!! I love this ship so much every since I read a fanfic about it a while ago!!! Let me known what you think!!!!!!

Love y'all

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