When The Brother Finds Out...😥🤫🤪😳😮😶

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Linh jumped around near Teirgan's front door waiting for a knock
"What are you so excited about?"
Linh startled and turned to face her brother
"Wylie's coming over." she said simply then went back to staring at the door
"And what do you and Wylie plan on doing? Since when are you so excited?" Tam asked suspiciously
Linh blushed and turned back to face him, then she smiled as an idea bloomed in her head:
"He got a girlfriend. We are going out to Atlantis so i can meet her!" she said, not quite lying
"Oh really? and who might this girl-" he was cut off by a rap on the door
Linh yanked it open to a grinning Wylie
"Hey" he said, holding a bouquet of flowers
" Hey yourself, are those flowers for your girlfriend?" Linh asked
Wylie grinned proudly "yes they are!"
"Aww, that's so sweet, i can't wait to meet her!"
Wylie looked confused until he saw Tam standing behind her and realization spread across his face
" Yeah, you'll really like her" he said, playing along
"hey Tam, whats up?"
Tam scowled and turned to Linh
"I'll be in my room"
he stalked down the hall

Linh grinned at Wylie, "that was great!" she whispered grinning
he grinned back at her "yeah"
he held out the flowers he had brought, " these are for my girlfriend"
Linh pecked him on the cheek "thank you, lets go to my room"
Wylie nodded, "and lock the door"

When they were in Linh's room, Wylie immediately set down the flowers on her bed and pulled Linh to him
"But Tam-" she started to protest
"will not find us and the door is locked" he finished her sentence for her and leaned down
her protests cut off as his lips met hers and she smiled, kissing him back, she let her mind wander:
"maybe if i told Tam, it wouldn't be that bad, maybe he will be happy for be and i think he likes Wylie,"
she  thought of the welcome Tam had given Wylie
"or not" she thought
"but maybe, since it makes me happy, he migh-"
Wylie and Linh wrenched apart
an angry, red face Tam stood in the open doorway, holding a key
" I KNEW IT!!!!!"  he shrieked
"Tam, he makes me happy and you know he would never-"
Tam held up a finger, shushing her
he stalked right up into Wylie's personal space
"if you hurt my sister, you will never see the light of day again, i mean it, you think the Neverseen are bad? Try me."
Tam glanced at Linh and stalked out of the room
Lin and Wylie looked at each other and Linh burst out laughing
"Your....your face.....it...priceless...you...you look....terrified!"
Wylie's eyes widened then he grinned and hugged he
"I love you too." he said

Hello Lovelies! 
I hope you enjoyed this story and remember i am still taking requests!
Just leave a comment and i will do them in the order in which i receive them!

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