Ditz (again)

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Fitz woke up to the sound of Dex skating violently on the floor next to him. They were at a sleepover at Fitz's house. he sat up and looked around to see everyone else was still asleep, then he turned to Dex who was still shaking. He put his arm on Dex's shoulder and got ready to push into his mind to help him. Before he could do anything though, Dex latched onto Fitz's arm and pulled it in close, like a teddy bear, and his shaking stopped. Fitz froze, what was he supposed to do?

Fitz tried to slowly extract his arm but Dex clenched it even tighter, and, in his sleep, yanked Fitz down beside him. Fitz had liked Dex for almost a year now, but he was sure that Dex didn't feel the same way.Fitz didn't know what to do, it was his dream and his nightmare all wrapped in one. Wait, maybe he could just wait it out? Sleep and when everyone wakes up they'd laugh it all off like a big joke. It was a win-win!Fitz snuggled in close for good measure and drifted off into a peaceful sleep....Dex shot up next to Fitz and Fitz followed in-suite "what's wrong?" asked FitzEveryone else was still sleeping, it must still be early. " I'm so sorry... I... I don't know what... I don't what happened." Dex was blushing deep, deep red, "I'm sorry.".Suddenly Fitz remembered what had happened a few hours prior and blushed just as red." You were having a bad dream" he whispered."I tried to comfort you, but... you kinda just turned me into a teddy bear..." Dex buried his face in his hands "sorry" he whispered once more. " No! no, don't be sorry, it's...it's " Fitz struggled for the right words.Then is a moment of clarity he lurched forward and pressed his lips to Dex's. Dex froze up. Fitz pulled away "I'm sorry, I just thought maybe-" Dex kissed him. Fitz sat forward and kissed back. " I KNEW IT!!!!!!!" someone screamed beside themThey lurched apart and Biana appeared out of thin air. Everybody else sat up in their sleeping bags. " Biannaaaaaaa" whined Sophie, "what the hell?" " What's hell?" Linh asked while rubbing her eyes." Oh, um, it's...a fairy castle?" Sophie said questioningly."oh" ling nodded"Can we get back to Biana's screaming?" Tam groaned" remember how we were all arguing the other day about whether or not Dex and Fitz would ever realize they are both gay, and like each other, and then finally get together?" Everyone besides Dex and Fitz nodded"Hold up-" Fitz started"WHAT!?" Dex shouted,"oh yeah, took you guys long enough." Keefe saidDex turned to Fitz, Fitz shrugged and leaned back in. 

Love y'all, It's great to be back!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2019 ⏰

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