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That night McCree and Hanzo layed on the far edges of the bed trying to look like they were avoiding one another, but it was cold that night. McCree could hear and feel the bed shake under Hanzo's shivers. He lay awake in bed. He looked somber wanting to comfort Hanzo. He felt Hanzo roll closer to him and shake his shoulders.
"Jesse? Are you awake?"
McCree tried to sound as if he had just been woken. He let out a cirious groan, but didn't move.
"It, it is so cold. Can I sleep closer to you?"
McCree tried desperately not to sigh. He peered over his shoulder to see Hanzo's teeth chattering. McCree rolled to face him.
"Come here." He said quietly.
Hanzo's head nuzzled into Jesse's chest. He held his hands together trying to warm them up. McCree wrapped his arms around Hanzo into a warm hug. Hanzo was practically nuzzled into a ball under Jesse's embrace, but soon warmed up.
"We're gonna get your tail back, ok? I promise."
Hanzo peered up from under McCree's chin.
"Do not make promises that you can not keep, cowboy."
"I mean it." Jesse said combing Hanzo's hair with his fingers. "I just know this is gonna work."
"What makes you so sure?"
"Cause if it doesn't, I dunno what I'm gonna do."

10 days later (1 day until the new moon)...

McCree rolled to meet Hanzo's face. His bed hair practically covered his face, but McCree could see his Hanzo's smile through his mop of hair. Hanzo quickly hopped out of bed knowing it was his last day as a human. McCree was happy for him, but started to fear what Hanzo previously feared. He feared that he had grown too attached to Hanzo. McCree's thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of his phone. He rolled to face his nightstand and answered his phone.
"Mornin Jacob."
"Good morning. Hey I wanted to tell ya that Lucas is back from the hospital and is here at the docs to work. I don't think it's a good idea to send him out on his own yet. I know what you said about having a parner, but you seem to work with Hanzo pretty well. Could you come down and work with Lucas, just for today?"
McCree let out a gentle sigh and talked like he had given up.
"Alright, whatever. I'll be down at 9."
"Thankyou Jesse. I owe you a drink."
"Now you're speakin my language."

Hanzo and Jesse arrived at the doc and were greeted by Jacob. As he waved the familiar face of Lucas came out of the doc house and walked over to the group. McCree stuck his hand out to him.
"It's good to see you back, Lucas."
"Yourself as well, McCree."
Jacob directed Lucas's attention to Hanzo.
"Lucas this is Hanzo. You'll be working with him too."
Lucas began to shake Hanzo's hand.
"It's nice to...*gasp*!" Lucas's hand started to shake as he stared wide eyed at Hanzo. Hanzo looked at him curiously.
"Lucas? Is something wrong?" Hanzo asked calmly. The rest of the group observed Lucas's shocked expression. He slowly started backing up. He looked out of breath as his shaky finger pointed towards Hanzo.
"It's, it's him! That's the mermaid I saw!"
Jacob spoke up and forced Lucas's hand down.
"Enough of this mermaid nonsense! They don't exist!"
Lucas shoved Jacob's hand away and continued pointing at Hanzo. Hanzo looked shocked by this behavior.
"I swear! That's a mermaid! I'm not lying!"
McCree grew bitter. He put his arm to Hanzo's chest and stood in front of him yelling into Lucas's face.
"Now that's enough! You stop wavin' your finger at Hanzo! He ain't got nothin' to do with ya!" Jesse spat.
Jacob pushed Lucas away and got him to look away.
"Listen Lucas! I want you to go home and don't come back until you've dropped this Mermaid nonsense!"
Lucas started walking to the shoreline and off the doc making heavy steps. He turned and pointed towards the group.
"I'm not crazy! I know what I saw and I'm going to prove it!" Lucas hollered as he stomped away.
Hanzo gasped looking up at McCree. McCree sighed and stared solemnly at Hanzo. Jacob pulled a stressed hand through his hair.
"Jesus, I don't know what's eating that man, but something has him riled. Don't worry about Lucas you guys. He's nothing but trouble right now. Why don't you take the day off?"
McCree took off his hat and scratched the back of his head. He gritted his teeth and looked down at Hanzo for confirmation. He replaced his hat looking back up at Jacob.
"I think that's what we need right now."
"Enjoy the next two days you two. Sorry you had to come all the way down here."
"It's alright. See you later Jacob."
McCree and Hanzo began their walk back to the house.


"So this is what humans call a movie?"

"Yeah, this one is about a western stranger (Clint Eastwood) who ends up forming a parnership with a Mexican outlaw (Eli Wallach)."

"That does sound like a movie you would watch."

McCree turned on the tv and let Hanzo lay against his shoulder as they watched.

End of the movie...

"Whaddya think?"
"I don't really understand. The cowboy and the outlaw kept becoming partners, but were also trying to kill one another, and in the end they found lots of money?"
"Yep." McCree said nodding.
"Fools. These two men could have gotten the money a lot faster if they weren't trying to kill one another."
"If I didn't know better, I'd say you liked the movie."
"It was stupid. I've read wall carving that are better than this."
"Hanzo, do you know more than 3 languages?"
"Of course. I know all 6,500 of them."
"Damn, you know all of them?! How?!"
"Merpeople are born with the ability to speak them all."
"I didn't know that."
"There are many things you still do not know about merfolk, Jesse."
Hanzo seemed bitter about something. McCree spoke with caution in his voice.
" wanna talk?"
"About the big ass elephant in the room! Lucas saw you, didn't he?!"
Hanzo sighed. He seemed annoyed.
"I thought I got away without him seeing me."
"After you shot him?"
Hanzo sighed in remorse. His arms were crossed and his soft eyes were shut as he went back to the day he attacked Lucas.
"I knew that fool got a glimpse of me, but I didn't know he saw my face."
"Well he did. Not an issue anymore. This time tomorrow you'll have your tail and you'll never have to see Lucas again."
Hanzo's gaze fell onto McCree's face.

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