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Hanzo tilted up and kissed McCree. He grunted in pain when he felt McCree entering inside him. He gasped loudly.
"Slowly please!"
Jesse slowed his pace and thrusted into Hanzo. He looked down at McCree's work trying not to exclaim at the sight. McCree grunted loudly.
"Fuck....Jesse, that feels amazing."
McCree smiled and continued to thrust, hitting Hanzo's ass hard. Loud moans escaped Hanzo's mouth.
McCree looked up.
"You sure darlin'?"
"Yes! Do it!"
Jesse smiled mischievously and started thrusting faster into Hanzo. Hanzo jerked at his own rider as McCree did this. He felt Jesse's full length inside of him and sighed in pleasure. McCree came out and lifted Hanzo from the couch. His lips colliding into his.
"I wanna take you to the bed, sugar bean."
McCree pushed Hanzo towards the bedroom with his lips and slammed the door behind him.


"So you believe me?"
"I've seen them too. Don't worry. Unlike you Lucas, I haven't been trying to convince everybody that what I saw was real. People would think I've gone mad."
"I shot it."
The man looked shocked.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, right in the tail, but..."
"But what, Lucas?"
"...something about this one was different..."
"Different? How?"
"The tail. It was different. It was green. The last merman I saw had a blue tail. I think there are two mermaids."
"When was the last time you saw the blue one?"
Lucas thought for a second. His eyes went wide.
"He was with that new guy! Jesse McCree! I saw him with the mermaid a month ago!"
"Heh, Lucas? Are you talking about Hanzo? I don't know if you've noticed, but Hanzo doesn't have a tail."
"I swear it on my grave! I never forget a face! Hanzo is a merman! I don't know why he had legs, but there's got to be an explanation."
"None of us have seen Hanzo in a month. McCree said he went back to Japan. If you really think Hanzo is a merman, you're a little late to catch him."
"I guess, but what about this new mermaid? The green one that I shot. We could catch that one! If it's injured it won't be able to escape!"
"I'd be happy to help with the search, but keep this a secret from Jacob. He already thinks you're crazy."


McCree rolled over in bed, but when he opened his eyes Hanzo was gone. McCree yawned and stood from the bed. His nose filled with the smell of eggs and bacon. He walked outnof the bedroom. The sun glared through the back windows and into the kitchen. McCree fixed his eyes on what appeared to be Hanzo cooking. He stared curiously and made a confused grunt. Hanzo turned.
"Good. You are awake. Breakfast is nearly ready."
McCree stepped into the kitchen.
"You can cook?"
Hanzo chuckled.
"I learned from the best. How do you want your eggs?"
"Scrambled. Where's the bacon?"
"On that side of the counter."
McCree looked over to see a plate of bacon. Some of the pieces were burnt black. Hanzo scratched the back of his head and smiled in embarrassment.
"I-I may have over cooked some of it."
"It's alright. This looks delicious darling."
Hanzo finished the eggs and prepared a plate for McCree then went to the sink to wash his hands. McCree gasped and ran over to Hanzo. Just before he could turn on the faucet McCree pulled his hands out of the sink bowl. Hanzo gasped, and sighed.
"Thanks Jesse."
"Damn, that was close! Just remember you can't touch water or the tail comes out."
"Yes, I'll be more careful."
McCree sat and continued eating. Hanzo looked down next to the sink to see several envelopes with overdue bills inside. Hanzo looked up at Jesse solemnly.
"Jesse? When was the last time you worked?"
McCree looked up.
"I haven't worked since you...y'know."
Hanzo's eyes grew wide.
"McCree! It's the middle of winter! You need to pay for food, the house, your boat! Everything! What will you do?!"
McCree stared calmly.
"Well, it's too cold to fish, and Jacob has people doing heavy lifting at the docs to prepare for winter. That's in place of fishing."
"Have you not been doing this?"
"Why not? You need the money."
"I wasn't driven."
"Driven? By what?"
Hanzo stared quietly for a long time.
"It was so hard to give up on you Hanz. I spent days crying out. Hoping you would come back. Jacob got so worried that he'd come check on me every few days. I would usually tell him I couldn't work, but because of that I haven't gotten any money."
"I'm going."
"I'm going to the docs to work."
"Hanz, Jacob will be suspicious if he found out you were back, plus he hasn't paid you before. Who knows if he will?"
"I do. Come with me if you want, but it's my fault for letting you threaten me and for not returning sooner." Hanzo grabbed a coat from the closet and put it on. He shut the front door behind him with a stern look on his face. McCree was shocked to see Hanzo acting this way. Hanzo blamed himself for McCree not having the money he needed. None of it is his fault, but knowing that Hanzo blamed himself. McCree knew he had to fix this.


Hanzo's footsteps were loud against the floor boards of the doc. He could see Jacob right outside the doc house pointing to where he needed things to go. Hanzo approached him.
"Load those boxes into the truck and make sure those tarps are on. Yeah, that looks good guys!" Jacob turned and gasped loudly. "Holy shit! H-Hanzo?! You're...here?! Does Jesse know? I have so many questions!"
"All can be answered later. I heard that you and your men needed help down here. I was wondering if you needed another pair of hands to help."
"Yeah, I could use all the help I can get and I am more than happy to pay you as well."
"That is actually why I am down here. Jesse is...unable to work, so I am down here working for him."
"So he knows...that you're back? How long have you been back?"
"I returned last night."
"Huh. Well, you can grab a pair of gloves and start working then."
"Thankyou Jacob."
Hanzo walked into the doc house and found the pile of gloves on the bar. Several boxes were out getting ready to store things during the winter. Hanzo walked out with a few boxes at hand and walked off the doc to load the boxes into a truck. He began walking back when he heard a splash in the water. He looked over the side of the doc to see the water shaking. His curiosity was satisfied when he saw nothing, but when he looked away he heard another splash and could see it out of the corner of his eye. His curiosity was hungry again and he got down on his knees and looked closely into the water. He gasped when all of a sudden a pair of arms emerged from the water and grabbed him. They pulled hard and Hanzo fell into the cold, wet abyss.

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