3. A Moment Like This

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Like somber, viscous oil clinging onto anything in its path. It's grime seeping into every crevasse; spreading like an unstoppable plague, snuffing out all cognizance. Even the neverending reverberations of the relentless monsoon blitzing the roof were deadened away. The atmosphere so thick that even obtaining a single breath was strenuous.

Lethargic, (E/C) eyes fixated on the once steaming cup of black coffee, all heat had left the dark, bitter liquid. A lifetime's supply of herbs could not coax your still gaze from the untouched drink, fearful of what would come from the coffee's owner beside you. Displeasure and frustration radiated from them. Their emotional state only adding to the heaviness that flooded the entire home; all the way from the shop proper to the loft above. The dreaded air was inescapable.

This mood came to its festering existence as soon as Asra had left you alone with Julian, baffled and hurt. For all anyone knew, the bad blood between Julian and Asra had been laid to rest. The death-defying doctor hadn't mucked up the fortune teller's shop, or his books, or anything for that matter, during his absence. Additionally, to your own discontent, the auburn-haired male had only been present for one evening. Not that this was a new occurrence... Your dear love staying the night, that is.

Shifting awkwardly in spot, you hesitantly peered out from the corner of your eye and up to the tall man. He was stiff, arms folded across his chest, brow furrowed into a fearsome glare. Tension strangled at every muscle of your body, stomach twisting and turning with painful guilt and remorse. This is all my fault...


"Tch..." Julian clicked his tongue, brow furrowing from Asra's departure and blatant avoidance to the question. The doctor's gaze dropped to the smaller figure before him.

Standing there, you watched and waited... wanted for your longtime confidante, your former "master," your dear, dear friend to just return. However, no matter how hard you wished for it, he did not come.

In the magician's absence, the clutches of distress and hopelessnes shredded into you without warning. The raw emotion was heart shattering, like all that had been dear to you was gone in that instant. The intensity of this anguish could not be explained. Yes, your harbored your own pain from moments prior, but not to this extent. This was not of your own, but there it was. This unknown tribulation sending your heart beating all too quick, your chest tightening around the rapidly-drumming organ.

Tears welled, pooling and blurring the world into a kaleidoscope of dulled colors. The manifestations of this heavy depression spilled over and cascaded down deep, flustered cheeks, past quivering lips and dotting the floor below.

A startled gasp escaped as cold hands took hold of you, pulling you into a lean-armed embrace. All but a split second passed before burying yourself against the familiar, broad chest. Fingers frantically clinging to the loose, white shirt, desperate for closeness and comfort.

"Bastard!" The word was hissed with such vemon, the doctor's hold tightening around you, closing what little space was left between you both. Whether the maliciously curse was intented to be heard or not, you couldn't bring yourself to form any protest to it. The tears had choked the voice from you.


Swallowing down the hard lump in your throat, you mustered up some courage, despite the great reluctance haunting your decision to do so. Rubbing an eye, still dry and partially reddened from the salt of your tears, you hesitantly broke the dead air, "Ju-Julian?" All your instints screamed, begging for you to stop before it was too late. But, for once, you ignored them and continued, "I-... I am so sorry. This is-" But, that was all you could manage to spit out.

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