Chapter 17

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I get in my sportswear and look at myself. I really like these Nike clothes. It's a blue shirt and black shorts. I put on my blue running shoes and tie my hair up into a ponytail. I suck at sports. It's not that I'm lazy, I try my best but for some reason sports are not my thing!

Worst of all, Harry is in the football team. He's the leader of course he'll see me fail. I sigh and check myself one last time before going out. I put my water bottle on the bench and go with Avery to where class is.

"Okay guys, today we are playing volleyball." Says the teacher.

I'm doomed.

"Grab a ball and get a partner, serve and defend!" Says the teacher.

I pair up with Avery, I see Harry in the distance talking to the team. Keep talking don't look at me. After discussion the football team goes out to the field, we stay in the cement court.

I serve the ball, it goes over the net but it hit my bone so hard. I hiss at the pain but that's volleyball for me, I can't do it right so this is my punishment. Avery passes it and I defend the ball, hitting it a bit better this time. Suddenly a ball hits my head. I turn around to see Avery laughing. I roll my eyes and grab the ball, serving it back to her.

I have the huge urge to see if Harry is still talking or not. I pass Avery the ball to look at Harry, he's not looking, he's staring! Sherbet sherbet sherbet.

I defend the ball and finally Avery misses it.

"Damn you're good." She says.

"Oh not at all." I say, rubbing my now red arm.

I look over to see Harry smiling and showing a thumbs up. I smile and keep rubbing my arm. His face changes to concern and I just give him a small smile and mouth 'I'm okay'. He nods and smiles.

"Okay girls, now I'm going to leave for a while. Practice serving!" The teacher says blowing her whistle.

I mentally groan, I'm bad at serving. I look over to see Harry coming up to me? Is he allowed to do this? I have no idea.

"Hey." He says with a smile.

"Hey." I say returning the smile.

"Volleyball?" He asks as I walk to the court.

"Yea I suck at it." I say showing him my red arm.

"Damn." He says and leads me to a line.

"Stand here." He says.

I do as told and he grabs my arms.

"Put your arms like this and hold the ball on your left hand." He says positioning me.

"Okay." I say.

"Now just let the ball go and hit it with the bottom of your palm, you can do it with the wrist too though." He says.

Time to see me fail.

I do it and it goes straight across.

"See? You can do it." He says giving me a soft kiss on the cheek before leaving me.

I look to see all eyes on me. Some girls squealing, others giving me death glares. Thankfully, the teacher arrives.

"What are you staring at? Move!"


I go inside to see mom and dad kissing?!

"What the hell?!" I yell.

They jolt up and look at me, both wide eyed.

"Bether we can explain." Da-Jonathan says.

"No you can't!" I say stomping off to my room.

They can't be together! He'll insult me again! I lock my bedroom door and decide to call Harry.

"Hello?" He says, happiness in his voice.

"Can I stay at your house for a few days?" I say my voice cracking.

"Sure, what happened?" He asks worried.

"I'll tell you later I'll be there soon."

"I'll pick you up don't worry." He says.

"Okay." I say and then hang up.

I pack some clothes for about three to four days. I put it all in a bag and I grab my backpack for school. I check one last time, everything is in my pink tote bag.

It's amazing how much can fit in these things.

I walk out to see my parents talking.

"Bethany where are you going?" My mother asks as I reach the door.

"To Harry's, for a few days actually. I dislike dad and you know that! How could you!" I say as I get out.

"Bethany wait!" She says but it's too late.

"Let her go." I hear my father say.

I huff in anger and go down the elevator to see Harry waiting in the lobby.

"Beth are you okay?" He asks worried.

"Just take me away from here, please." I beg him.

He nods and helps me with my stuff. Half of the drive is silent until Harry decided to ask the dreadful question.

"What happened?" He asks.

"My mom and dad kissed, I saw them."

"What?" He says in shock.

"Yes, my dad is such a cruel person how could she do this? She knows he insulted me!" I say, biting my lower lip to hold the tears back.

"Hey, Beth if you wanna cry it's okay I won't judge you or anything." He says.

A small sob escapes my lips as I bury my head in my hands.

"Everything will be okay don't worry." He says as he stops at the familiar house I've grown fond of.

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