Apple Pie (04)

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Taeyeon stops her typing when the telephone rings and moves to answer the call. "Hello?"

"Hello. Is this Taeyeon Kim's residence?"

"Yes. This is her speaking."

"Ah, hello, Taeyeon. It's Tiffany. Tiffany Choi."

Taeyeon instantly grins at the sound of the name.

"From next door," adds Tiffany.


"Hi. Are you busy? Did I catch you at a bad time?"

"No, you didn't," Taeyeon says. "And I'll never be too busy for such a nice neighbor," she adds daringly, wondering how Tiffany would react. She almost said 'pretty' instead of 'nice' but she knew it was too soon for such blatant flirting.

There's an unmistaken second of silence as Tiffany – who's completely taken aback by the random comment – tries to figure out what to say in reply.

In the end, she decides to just ignore the comment and get straight to the point.

"We're having our annual neighborhood barbecue party next weekend and it's my turn to host it this year. Would you and your husband like to come? It's a good chance for you to meet the other neighbors as well. You can even consider it a welcome event for you from us."

"That sounds festive," Taeyeon says. "What must I bring or do?"

"Oh you don't have to do or bring anything. You're our guest of honor, after all."

"But that will make me feel bad. At least let me bring drinks? Beer or wine?"

"You don't have to but I won't stop you if you want to bring something."

"Okay. Excuse me for asking this but will your delicious apple pies be at the party too?"

"Definitely! There will be a neighborhood riot if my apple pies are missing," Tiffany says proudly.

"Then I'll be there for sure! Your apple pies are to die for and I wouldn't miss the chance of getting a slice for anything!"

Tiffany can't help but break into a huge, proud smile. "Thank you. That's very kind of you. So see you Sunday then? Just come over around noon. You can see the party from your house anyway."

"Will do. Thank you for inviting us."

"My pleasure."


Tiffany spends the whole week leading up to the annual barbecue going about her chores with extra speed so she can have more time to chat with her neighbors and go around the shops, talking to as many people as she can to find out whether they've met Taeyeon. She'd try to fish as much information as she could from them and spend the rest of her time watching over the house next door, spying on Taeyeon.

The blonde rarely leaves the house though so Tiffany would be very bored, most of the time, but she persists. The one thing she prides herself of, other than her pie or her clean home, is her persistence.

Thus she sits or stands by her window, day after day, waiting for the moment when she'd get a glimpse of the golden hair moving around in the kitchen next door or walking out the door.

When the day of the barbecue finally comes, she and her group of friends start getting ready early in the morning, laying out the food, wearing their best Sunday clothes and making sure their husbands look their best.

They try to act normal but they'd steal glances at the driveway and the house next door every now and then, waiting anxiously.

Her friends keep asking her where the new neighbor is, adding to her already mounting impatience.

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