Apple Pie (15) - END

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It's been two weeks since Tiffany's husband's sudden appearance during lunchtime and both women have gotten better at pretending and acting like they're just normal, platonic friends and neighbors to the outside world.

Though the man has come home a few more times in the week that followed – all during different times – he hasn't done so this week so Taeyeon and Tiffany slowly start to let their guard down a bit.

Besides, it's now almost a month since they last laid hands on each other and the want is barely containable.

So that morning, a couple hours before lunchtime, Tiffany leaves her house and makes her way next door.

Taeyeon has left her front door unlocked so Tiffany can quickly get inside before anyone notices.

The house is quiet but the woman already knows where the owner would be so she locks the front door and goes upstairs, heading to Taeyeon's bedroom.

She gently knocks on the door, pushes it open and covers her mouth to stifle her laughter at the sight that greets her.

On the bed lies Taeyeon, naked and asleep like a baby – complete with her mouth open and light snoring.

Tiffany shakes her head, closes the bedroom door behind her and quietly tiptoes to the bed.

She climbs onto the mattress, crawling delicately over the sleeping woman like a cat approaching an unsuspecting mouse, then starts trailing kisses on the fair skin from her abdomen upwards.

Taeyeon wakes up with a jerk at the feeling of being touched and blinks at the woman smirking at her.

"I can't believe you fell asleep with your front door unlocked," Tiffany says, lifting her lips from Taeyeon's torso to hover over the blonde, their eyes meeting.

"You took too long," is all Taeyeon says before she wraps her arms around Tiffany and pulls her down to lie on top of her. She kisses her temple and sighs contentedly, happy to have her in her arms again after weeks of just talking to each other or cooking together. They didn't even dare steal kisses, afraid that Tiffany's husband would be lurking somewhere.

Her right hand slides down, grabbing and squeezing Tiffany's butt. "Take off your dress."

Tiffany pushes herself up, creating some distance between them. "You take it off for me," she retorts with a smirk.

"I'd be glad to."

An hour later, as they snuggle close to one another, drenched in sweat while breathing heavily, Tiffany tells Taeyeon that although her husband's acting normal again, she's not sure whether they should go back to seeing each other as often as they used to.

"That's okay," replies Taeyeon. "We can continue what we've been doing this past couple of weeks but I'd like to request more sex. Once a week is all I need."

Tiffany chuckles and looks up to see Taeyeon's cheeky grin. "Really? Once a week is enough?"

"No but I'll survive. I can always imagine you doing me instead," she says before laughing loudly when Tiffany slaps her arm over and over again. "H-hey! Stop it!"

"You dirty pervert." Tiffany sits up and throws a pillow at Taeyeon.

"You know, you have no right to call me that anymore because you're just as bad now. The things you say and do... tsk tsk..." Taeyeon shakes her head and wags a finger. "Bad Tiffany."

"I learned from the best," retorts Tiffany, leaning in for a kiss before she gets off the bed to get dressed.

"Must you go?" asks Taeyeon. Her eyes never leave the body she deems perfect. "Let's have lunch."

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