Apple Pie (09)

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Key turns his head when he hears whistling to see his friend skipping inside the living room with a tray that holds two slices of apple pie and two bottles of beer.

"Someone's happy," he remarks. Then he sees the slices, "Apple pie? So she was here again today?"

He's referring to Taeyeon and Tiffany's increasingly regular encounters this past couple of weeks, ever since Taeyeon told her about the sudden kiss in the garage. He tries not to listen to any of his friend's 'adventure' stories but he can't deny the curiosity so he'd ask for summaries instead.

The two would meet at Taeyeon's house around lunchtime, under the pretense of more cooking lessons. The official excuse, should any of their nosy neighbors ask, is Taeyeon's relentless determination to be able to cook and bake as well as Tiffany.

"No. I went there this time," replies Taeyeon casually. "Try it. I'm improving."

"I'm surprised she let you do it at her house. Won't her husband grow suspicious if he smells your perfume on his sheets or finds a strand of long blond hair?" He takes one plate and starts eating, mumbling a compliment through his full mouth that the taste has indeed improved.

"We didn't do it in the bedroom," Taeyeon says as she cuts a small piece of her pie.

"Kitchen again?"

Taeyeon nods and grins. "But don't worry, I made sure that the pies were safely in the oven before I did her on the counter so you don't have to worry about hygiene." She then laughs, slapping her own thigh in amusement as Key chokes on his pie.

"Ew! There goes my appetite," says Key after clearing his throat. He sets his plate on the table. "At least you're happy."

"That I am."

"Even though she can't be yours?"

Taeyeon's about to put another piece of pie into her mouth when she hears Key's question. She stops, looks at him and raises her eyebrows. "Excuse me? When did I ever say anything about making her mine?"

Key shrugs. "It's bound to happen sooner or later. You can't just keep playing with people's hearts without consequences. One of these days, you'll fall head over heels in love with someone and if you're not careful, it's going to end in pain because of your own games."

"Here we go again," says Taeyeon while rolling her eyes. "Save the lecture, Pops. It ain't gonna happen. Not with her, at least."

"Suit yourself. Just don't say I didn't warn you."


The doorbell rings and Taeyeon rushes to get the door, greeting her guest with the biggest smile on her face. "Hi," she says as she steps aside to let the woman through.

"Hey." Tiffany grins when Taeyeon kisses her cheek. "Something smells nice. Are you cooking?"

"I was but I'm done now. I made us lunch." Taeyeon goes to the kitchen, followed closely by Tiffany.

"Oh? That's very nice of you." Tiffany sees the dining table where a large plate of toasted three decker sandwich sits, waiting for her. "I never taught you how to make this," she comments.

"I wasn't totally helpless before I met you, you know," replies Taeyeon as she returns to the table with two bottles of cold soda pop. "Key's mom taught me how to make this."

"Oh." At the mention of Taeyeon's husband, Tiffany grows quiet and Taeyeon notices it.

The blonde puts the bottles on the table then approaches Tiffany, pulling her into a hug with her arms around her waist. "Wanna know a little secret?" she whispers in Tiffany's ear, grinning when the latter trembles a bit before placing her arms around her neck.

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