Heart of Mine.

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      December makes people cringe, or some happier than others, but Ryan on the other hand does not give a damn about the weather at the moment.

     Ryan is more worried about being rejected. He is sitting on his bed, phone in his hands, that special number ready. He feels like he would Fuck up the 'Hello' than the actually ask out part.

     No. He is not asking out on a date, just hanging out as weird friends at the 'Christmas in the Park.' Yeah, so Christmas is on it's way, so might as well go to that park of Christmas.

        Ryan keeps hitting his head, muttering that he's stupid to himself. Does he really want to do this? Of course he does.

     He hesitates at the 'call' button, hovering over it with his thumb. His thumb brushes over the button and it calls.

"Fuck!" Ryan screeches. He's not sire if he should hang up or not. It answers.

"Hello?" Well it's better now than never.

   "Hey it's Ryan" He bites his lip.

"Hey! It's Brendon." No shit.

Ryan nervously laughs, "So this time can you answer my question." It was silent. "Do you want to go Christmas in the Park tonight?"

      Ryan holds his breath, awaiting his answer. "Sure." He breathes out, "Sure. What time?" Brendon asked.

"Um, an hour or so? At the bubble machine?" Ryan replies.

  "Okay. I'll see you there." Brendon finishes happily, that just makes Ryan happier.

    Once he hung up, Ryan screamed "YES!" He rushes up to go shower and get ready for tonight.


      It's around 7:40 and it's dark as hell, but the park lights illuminate the lot. He taps his foot aimlessly, but it stops once his eyes land on Brendon. Him strutting his way to the bubble machine with his beautiful self. Ryan inwardly sighs.

      "Hey Ryan." He loves the way he says his name. "Hey." They stand together awkwardly, breathing out cold air.

   "Want some hot chocolate? I think it's my turn to buy." Ryan motions to the cart of knickknacks and drinks.

   Brendon chuckles, "Alright." They walk over with their hands stuffed inside their pockets.

     "Two hot chocolates. Marshmallows in one." Ryan said smuggled. Brendon side smirks, "How did you know?"

"I noticed from last time." He grins.

       The cart guy makes the hot Cocos and adds marshmallow to one of them, handing it to both of the boys. Ryan starts to walk to the bench but Brendon's stays at the cart.

    "Can I get two light up swords?" Brendon asked with a mischievous grin. "$10" He hands him the money and gets the two swords, holding them under his armpit.

      He walks back to Ryan that is sitting on the wood bench, sipping the coco. "Bren, what are you doing?"

Brendon noticed the nickname, and he loved it. "Why do you have swords?"

     Brendon looked at him with an evil smile, making Ryan's insides melt. "We are going to have a sword battle! In the dark!" He exclaimed like a 6 year old.


"Commee on."



"I'm not going too-"

"But I paid for two."

"But no."

"PLEASE RYAN." Brendon whined,sticking out his bottom lip. That sold it, Ryan was so done.

  "Fine, later though." Ryan finally resulted too. Brendon pouted again, "But it's-"


       Ryan's drink flew out of his hand. He looked up and saw Brendon holding up his light up sword with a hysterical grin. He just hit the drink out of his hand with a sword.

     "What the hell? Did you just swipe at me?" Ryan said, frustrated. He was about to attack that cute dark haired boy.

   "Maybe." Brendon winked and threw the other sword at Ryan, and he ran. Brendon ran through the people into the quiet part of the park. The clear feild of nothing but grass.

     "It's on." Ryan mutters before chasing Brendon with the sword in the air. "I payed for those cocos!" He yelled at Brendon who was further than him. Brendon just laughed, out of breath.

       He stopped in the middle of the clear feild of grass, barley any lighting but the glow of their swords and a streetlamp back up at the sidewalk. Ryan meets him in the middle, running low on breath.

    Brendon was in a battle stance with his sword in hand, Ryan was just trying to breathe.

   "You-you are going to pay." Ryan tried to say while swinging towards Brendon, he dodged and hit Ryan's butt.

"Ow." Ryan said quietly at hit Brendon lightly on the head.

"Boop." Brendom 'booped' Ryan on the head. Ryan just chuckled his cuteness.

   They both clashed swords, swinging back and forth. The lights made this battle even cooler. It was like a rainbow.

       Their swords formed a 'x', both boys on each side, their face having the rainbow glow on them. "I think I won." Brendon says through his teeth while pushing on the sword harder.

   "Not in your dreams Caprisun boy." Ryan pushed harder and caused Brendon to fall backwards and crash to the floor, head first.

    Ryan dropped his sword and crouched down. "I'm sorry." He said frantically while touching Brendon's head.

     Brendon took this to his advantage and pushed Ryan on his back, climbing on top him, straddling his stomach with a light up sword to Ryan's throat. "I won." Brendon whispered with gleam in his eye.

        Ryan smiled and rolled his eyes, pushing Brendon off him. He rolled to the side of Ryan, good distance between them. He dropped his sword beside him.

            They laughed and tried to catch their breath while looking the sky. "Your an asshole." Ryan breathes. They both chuckle.

    "That star looks like a dick if you squint your eyes." Ryan says without his brain telling him he was about to say something stupid. Ryan felt so lame.

    Brendon giggled. He fucking giggled. How cute is that?

  "Did you just giggle?" Ryan smiles and turns his head to look at Brendon. I think he blushed.

"Yeah." He drags then cock's his head to the side to see Ryan.

"It was cute." Ryan didn't mean to say that out loud. His heart was like a fucking jungle.

    Brendon did the cutest smile he has ever done in the time Ryan has met him, and does something he will maybe regret later.

        Ryan gets rid of the space between them, making them shoulder to shoulder. He stares into Brendon's brown eyes that can melt ice cream, and leans in. Their lips brush softly together.

      Brendon's mouth was sweet, still had the taste of the coco and marshmallows on his lips. They didn't go any further than the lips, no not yet.

          Brendon lifted a hand up to Ryan's cheek, stoking the bone, and holding it in his hands. After 1 minute of that sweet kiss, they pull away slowly.

      Brendon giggled again which made Ryan's heart flip, but it wasn't just the giggle that made Ryan feel this way.

My Heart Speaks. {Ryden Shortstory.}Where stories live. Discover now