Chapter 1: A Looming Darkness

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"eeeeeehhh tgss tgss" the sound of the draw bridge of Torch Haven sealing shut.

"Alright men, keep your heads up and be vigilant." said the Captain of the Guard as he walks down the stairs of the village drawbridge tower. There has been recent attacks these days among the neighboring villages and although they may have an amount in firepower and numbers, they would'nt want to take a chance in proper defense.

"Blimey, these unknown raiders are yet to be caught in action. Nobody has ever seen em' and damn do they leave a bloody mess behind as the rumors say." said the village patrol. Looking towards the riverbank the moonlight reflects upon the water, making it a shimmering sight.

"Ha, they try and raid this village and i'll give em a beatin'." said the other crunching his fists. "Boy your one to talk ya know that? Yesterday you screamed like a lil' girl when a bear charged right at ya at the forest" said the third patrol.

"Hahahahahaha" the other two laughed at him in unison.

"Heh, i'm tellin' ya mates, sooner or later we really gonna see who these 'raiders' truly are." said the guard in a firm voice.

Meanwhile in the village, the townspeople we're locking and barricading their doors and the church the priest and scholars we're using some kind of 'light magic' to cast an enchantment of protection upon the village.

"It's gonna be a chilly night dear" said a husband to his wife. "I pray that whatever it is that is out there won't come near our village" said his wife as the wind grew colder around them.

"Don't worry dear, the Crystal Ward will protect us against whatever it is" as the husband embraces his wife to assure her safety...

The Crystal Ward, a holy enchantment that hovers upon the plane of Seleznya. It is inside a sanctum high above the clouds far from human reach; it is said to be guarded by the Seraphs, holy-wareior angels. The ward was a beacon of protection, it was placed upon the plane after the last battle during the ancient times.

The ward was said to be an invisible barrier of light that prevents whatever horrors and dangers to enter the plane, and those that force their way through it will be seared by the Creator's Holy Light.

But now during the recent attacks people are beginning to wonder. The ward only protects them against the creatures of darkness, but what about human danger? themselves? It does not. Maybe this was just a normal terrorist attack or so they would have thought..

The riverbank that surrounds the village lay still, the water was reflecting the moons light upon its majestic flow, slowly but beautiful. There was no disturbance but only dead silence.

"Hmmmm the night is sure is beautiful." said the patrol guard looking towards the the town gates edge. "Heh, not until your head gets ripped to whatever creatures lay out there." said another guard beside him. "But the ward protects us does it not? And all evil things can't enter our plane when it is up there protecting us." said the patrol guard with a firm belief. "Aye mate, but old legend tells us that during the day the ward was placed in the sky their we're those who came in hiding from its light, those who could change their forms or burrow underground or disappear from sight was not hit by the Almighty's light. And it's possible that they could be lurking there, somewhere out there they survived." said the other in a reassuring tone.

"You really think so?" said the new recruit who was clutching his spear. "Aye lad, and be wary they come in all shapes and sizes." said the guard with a now provoking voice.

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