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Today I was sitting in third period, listening to the teacher drag on about apples and oranges when I got called to the office. At first I was kind of happy because I get out of that horrible class, but then I was worried, because I am a straight B student, I've never had detention. What have I done. As I walk out of class confused. I head to the office. Mum gave me a ride to school today because Nick and his mum were heading to the doctors. Nicks mum Sarah, had been born with one kidney and had to get a check up. Opening the office door I see Mrs Allen on her computer, typing. "Good afternoon Mrs A." I say cheerfully, after all I'm going home early. "Hi dear, your mums at the front gate. Let me just sign you out quickly." She says typing then handing me a slip.

Walking to the front of the car I jump in. "Hey mum, why am I going home early?." I ask, noticing her red eyes.

"Sweet, there's been a car accident" she says wiping her eyes. "Nick and Sarah. Nicks doing okay. He just popped his knee out, he'll be in pain for a while but he'll live."

"And Sarah?"

"Honey, as you know she was only born with one kidney, in the crash it ruptured. She'll need a donation. Remember the tests we did a while ago? Remember Nick, Manny and I aren't matches. We might have to wait a few weeks and hope for good luck." Pulling up to the hospital we rush in, and my mum speaks to the receptionist.

When she's finished we rush up the stairs, elevators make me feel sick. When we reach his floor, I see Nick sitting on a chair. Running to him I hug him. I feel his tears and snot on my neck, but I don't care. My tears and snot are on his.

"It's going to be okay. We will find a donor."

"No we won't."

"We will. My mum has hope. Manny has hope. I have hope. You need to have hope. Don't give up. We will find one."

The doctor walks my mum out. "The news is pretty bad. We will need a donor in 24 hours."

" what about me? My blood type is O. I'm legally 18, I can do it."

"No!" Screamed Nick,

Looking at him I say, "well, we can just do the testing and see how it goes. Okay? It may not even be a match"

After all three negative blood tests we were blessed with the news.

"I'm a match" I smiled at my two favourite people in the world.

"You're not doing it." Nick snarled.

"Nick, I know it's scary for you. But if I was in this situation, I know your mum would do it in a heart beat. "
Nick shook his head "don't talk like that. I don't want to even want to think about you being in this kind of situation." Then he stormed off.


After preparation for the surgery, I wrote three notes. One for my mum, one for Nick and one for Sarah. I only wrote them incase something went wrong. I have them to my mum.

As I lay in the room waiting for the sleeping gas to kick in, Nick came in. "Hey."

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked him.

"You're getting surgery, I should be asking you."

"I'm fine, now are you okay."

"Not really. What if something goes wrong. What if mums body disapproves the kidney?"

"I can't tell you it won't but we will work through it together."

"Promise me something?"


"Promise me."

"What do I need to promise you?"

"That both of you will be fine, that it will be okay. I can't lose either of you."

" you won't lose us but I can't promise you that everything will be ok, straight away. But I can promise that whatever happens I will always be here for you... no matter what."

After he left the surgeon took me for surgery.


It's been three hours and there's still no word from the doctors, no news what so ever. I'm so nervous, I'm shaking. I can't lose either of them. There's the two most important females in my life. When the doctor walked out and spoke to us my heart shattered.

"I'm sorry to inform you, but Ms Dorson, is in a critical condition, she has suffered a bleed internally. Unfortunately she is in a medically induced coma, she should be waking up within a week. But unfortunately in her case we don't know if she will wake up. However, The surgery was successful for Mrs Sarah, and she will be waking up within the next two hours."

Nodding my head at the doctor I let it sink in. "Can I see any of them?"

"At this time, only immediate family can see the patients, so I guess you may see your mother."

"Thank you."

"Uh, Nick," says the woman who looks so much like Abs. "Don't tell your mum. Apparently they can still hear you if you are asleep. And you don't want her getting worried, which will make her worse." Nodding I leave the room.

Heading into my mothers room I sit on the chair, and hold her hand. It saddens me seeing her so pale, but I am so thankful for Abi for saving her life.

"Hey Ma. I'm so happy you're okay. You're going to be fine. The thing is though when you wake up, you have to be very careful. It's not every day you receive a internal organ from someone." Especially someone as amazing as Abi.

Heading out of her room I see Roseanne sitting by the door of what I assume is Abi's room. "Hey." She calls me over. "The doctors are gone. Go in, now, while you can."

Opening the door, I see my best friend attached to a ventilator and a drip. It breaks my heart seeing how pale she is. Her bulky glasses are by the bed side table. Sitting down I brush her hair out of the way, I know how much she hates having her hair in her face.

"Hey." I grab her hand kissing it. "Thank you so much, for saving my mum. I am so thankful, I owe you my life. I'm sorry for what I said. Your the most amazing person that I have and will ever know. I love you." Her heart beat picked up. When the nurse walked in I said "your my best friend, bye." Kissing her forehead I leave the room. Waiting in the waiting room Rose comes out.

"Hello, I know how hard it is and it will get better but... before the surgery. Abi gave me a handful of letters and I want you to have yours, if something went wrong. Ever so prepared isn't she. I want you to have. But read it when you get home. Go now and I'll call you as soon as anything changes."

"Are yo-"


Calling a taxi home I open the door and collapsed on the couch. Pulling the letter out of my pocket I noticed it's crumpled. Oh no!

Opening I read what's in side.

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