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Dear Nick,

If you are reading this, something terrible happened during the surgery. It's ok. I'm going to fight. I promise, I will fight. But if the unimaginable happens, please know that I love you. Your the only person who I think about. You have my entire heart and soul and it's yours to keep. If I do leave, I guess, you can literally keep my heart now right? And I guess you can say that you were my first and last love... my only love. Haha.

Never give up on your dreams, don't follow them, chase them. You'll do extraordinary things. Use your time wisely.
Find some one.
Pursue every thing you want.

But I beg of you don't ever forget about my mother. Always be there for her, don't let your mum blame herself. Be there for everyone. Always stand up for what you believe.

Love always and forever Abigale.

Ps. Thank you for being the best friend in the whole world.

So she does love me. They were right. All my friends, at my old school, always told me she had feelings for me, when I read the messages out to them. Gosh. I'm such an idiot. She always put others first. She even pushed me to go out with her bully. The person she hates. I'm a terrible friend. I wish that I felt the same. I really do. As I closed me eyes I though of the memories. Us on her sixth birthday, our first kiss. graduating primary school.

Buzz buzz.

Buzz buzz.

Buzz buzz.

Buzz buzz.

Buzz buzz.

Buzz buzz.

Oh my god. That stupid alarm, why can't have I have five more minutes sleep. Grabbing my phone I see 13 missed calls from Rosanne. Oh No.

"Hello?" I yawned.

"Nick! Thank goodness you answered. It's your mum. She woke up. She wants to see you. She wants to where Abi is. You need to tell her about Abs."

"I'll be right there." Throwing on some fresh clothes I called an Uber and went straight to the hospital.

Running straight for my mothers room I saw her. "Morning mum, I'm so happy you are okay, how are you feeling?"

"Morning, I'm a bit sore, how are you?"

"I'm fine but why are you asking me? You just had surgery."

"I'm fine. Where is Abigale."

"Uh... I don't know how to tell you this, but a while ago we all got tested to see if we were matches to help with you're kidney, if we needed it but we weren't, all except Abi."

"Oh no. "

"Yeah... she's ... she's alive but... she's not doing to well."

"Why didn't you tell her no?"

"I did. She said if she was in your position you'd do the same for her."

She stated bawling her eyes out, "I would but... that girl is the best person in the world."

"I know she is." I say Hugging her I kissed her cheek and said "I'm going to see if she is okay. I will be back, and I will let you know."

Leaving the room I went into Abigale's hospital room. "Hey." I say picking up her hand. "I miss you so much. I can't wait for you to get better, so we can hang out again. Mum is forcing me to go back to school tomorrow. I don't know how I will cope with stupid cast, and these crutches. But I will miss you. Just letting you know... Anna broke up with me. I told her about the accident and she told me to go far away from her. Looks like I'm single. I am done with dating for a while. Next time I am actually going to get to know the girl first, then introduce her to you. and ask your opinion of her. You seem to always know what the girls I date are like. I've got to go. Bye!"

Walking back into my mums room, I notice she's asleep. Going back home, I packed my bags for school.

The next day at school, I was walking into school, when I heard the talk about Abigale. "Abigale, the freak is away. She probably ran away. hahahahh."

"Hey. Do not talk about her that way."

"Why do you care?"

"She is my best friend."

"Is she now?"


The rest of the week, was pretty much the same. Going to the hospital, spending six hours at school everyday. Abi is still unconscious and hasn't improved, but the doctor said she should wake up today. After heading to the hospital, I walked to the receptionist desk and said, "Hey. How is she doing?" I asked Nurse Becky.

"She is doing really well. About an hour ago she woke up for about half an hour, she's asleep now, but , you can do in now."

"Thank you."

Heading into her room, I sat on the chair next to her bed, picking up her hand, I say, "Hey."

Her eyes fluttered. "Hey."

"I've got to see the doctor!" I whispered, pressing the buzzer. The nurses ran in.

"Your awake again, that's great." Said the nurse. Leaving the room I found Rose. Nodding I said, "She's awake, again. Abi is awake."

Running into my mums room I nodded. And left. Hugging Abi I smiled but she didn't. "You're awake."

"Yeah, but now-."

"I know you have feelings for me I read the letter."

" Um yeah."

"I'm sorry... I don't feel the same. I mean I love you, but I don't love you like that!"

"Well yeah I know and that's why I want some space. Only until next year, I'll still give you're gift to you at christmas."

"What about school?"

"I won't be going back to school because I can't risk being injured again."

"But I will make sure you won't be hurt."

"You're not in every one of my classes and besides you can't go to the toilet with me. But don't worry, mum already called the school. I'm set to graduate. And I've already got accepted into university only 25 minutes away."

I left the room, saying a quick goodbye to my mum. I go home and cry. Why doesn't she want to spend time with me anymore?

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