Chapter 3: The Dates

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   As I walked back home with Sydney, I didn't have the idea at all to ask her why she was silent at the cafe but think about Mark's date. Just then I got a text message from my boyfriend, Flair.

   "Hey, Amy! I've thought about it and just so you know that we can meet at a restaurant at 5 tomorrow. Hope that sounds good for ya! Also, I'm coming to pick you up so don't worry!"

   Well, now I'm stuck. But it's not that I won't spend much time with Mark. At least, I can get to know more about him. Anyways, I and Syd reached home. We had plenty of sleep but I didn't bother asking Sydney about why she was silent.

   Then Sydney spoke up, "I making pancakes for dinner" I nodded, "Cool, but one question,-" and then she cut me off.

   "Why I was silent in Starry? It is because... I'm worried you'd get to close to him..." She uttered. "Close to who?- oh...Mark?" I asked. "Yeah, I mean you'd leave me alone and just think about him... Like I'm nothing..." she muttered under her breath. "I would NEVER do that to you, I might even do that to Kathryn, but never to you," I said. Suddenly, she gets hyped up.

   "Okay! Enough of sad time! Tell me, What do you think of him?" She almost squealed at that. "Wow, you are a good actress But um, I think he is...sweet." I was pretty honest at that.

   "Okay fine, get ready quick. You need to leave. Mark would be waiting for you. But just don't get too close, okay?" She replied. I kinda wanted to agree to it though, even though I hate most of her ideas.


   It was 1:15 and I still don't know what to wear! "WHAT SHOULD I WEAR!?!" I yelled at Sydney as she was preoccupied about something. "I don't know, but you can wear something casual." She answered. I nodded and chose my favourite blue combination. It was nothing but different shades of blue in each part of attire. It also had my lucky blue scarf.

   "I'm leaving!" I yelled. "Alright but come back home before 8!" She replied. I left home at 1:45 to the branch that Mark was talking about. I was walking with Sydney because she wanted to do some shopping nearby. I finally reached the cafe. "Sydney?! What do I do inside?" I asked Sydney shuddering a bit. "Be cool. Have a natural talk and don't creep the shit out of him, okay?" She answered. Just then I got a text from a random person. Someone named 'GalGritty25'. The texts were awful.






   I felt kinda mad at this person, though I don't even know this person. With anger, I asked Sydney, "Who the hell is this?!". "I don't know. Should be a random person to the wrong number. "Anyways, I'll be here watchin' ya." She mumbled. I was not okay with the idea though. "Syd, I'm quite mature enough to handle men, okay?" I uttered hoping to knock some sense into her. "Okay then." She said as she shoved me inside.

   I looked at the crowd that was in there. Good, God! I was shuddering like hell! There were too many people. But I spotted one in particular, one who was in a hoodie with headphones slowly sliding to the back of his neck and with a laptop. His brown eyes gazing at the screen as his hands moving rapidly. Then he saw me. His hands hovering over the keyboard as he did so.

   "Hi, Amy!" He mouthed. I waved at him and rushed over to the table. "So, what are you doing?" I asked as he shut his laptop and pushed it to a side. "Oh... uh... editing my vids to make 'em more... interesting." He answered. I pushed in a little bit closer to him. "Can I see them?" I asked as I was really interested to see his videos. Besides, he doesn't want me to see them on YouTube.

   "Uh..... no. It's not finished yet." He mumbled shuddering a bit. "Anyways, what can I get ya? Don't worry, its all on me." He asked me. "Oh...uh, a Medium Iced Dark Roast with No Sugar. It's okay, I can pay for it." I said as I was trying to convince him not to pay for it. He had a dumbfounded expression. Maybe I went too far. Then he had gone to order it. He came back with the orders. I enjoyed mine as I was talking to him.

   "So, now that we're here, let's get to know each other," I said. He nodded and asked me a lot of questions but not as much as I did. I had the time of my life there. But only until it was 4:30. It's the text that stopped me. The one from Flair yesterday.

   I mean, I can always say that I don't like him anymore to Flair but how would I know until I try. Then finally I uttered, "I have to go...". "Oh... ok..." He said with suppressing cheeks. "But maybe we can go out for a movie or something next time!" He popped hoping that I would agree.

   "I'd love to," I said with a smile on my face. I scribbled my number on a tissue. "Text me here, kay?" I said as I placed it on his palm. "Well, I'm stupid so I will lose it anytime." He said frankly. I chuckled a bit.

   I waved at him and left the store. I saw Sydney waiting there for me. "So, how did it go?. She asked me. "Awesome!" I said nearly squealing, again I don't know why.

(Mark's Point of View)
   I felt kinda sad as soon as she left the store. Just then I got a little too giddy. I rushed to the car with my laptop and headphones and unlocked it. I sat down and rested on the steering wheel.

   The giddiness eventually turned to an uncontrollable headache. I let out a whine. It hurt so much that I couldn't tell what was wrong. Then Dark spoke up, "How does that feel, huh?". I knew it was him who was causing the headache. " really hurts...please stop..." I uttered as I was trying to bear the pain.

   "This is how I felt when you let her GO!" He yelled. I finally said, "You are never gonna keep Amy for your use, you heard me?!".

   I was alright after I said that but I still felt giddy. I really hope that if she stays with me she wouldn't............Die.

(Amy's Point of View)
   It was 4:45 and I was waiting for Flair. Suddenly, I heard the voice of Sydney.

   "Amy! Flair has come to pick you up." She yelled.

   I waved at Sydney and hit to the door and I waved her back. I wasn't nervous at all because I like Mark more than anyone, or maybe.

   We went to a restaurant. We were seated. "So what would you like, darling?" He asked in a rather sexual way. "I don't need anything for now. I'm just not hungry." I mumbled.

   I was not paying attention at all

   But then Flair was getting closer. I felt really uncomfortable about it. Flair pecked me on the cheek. I swatted him away and left the restaurant. All of a sudden, he came behind me and pushed me against the wall and tried to do the thing with me.

   "GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!!" I yelled as I bitch slapped and kicked him in the nuts. "Do me a favour and stay away?!" I yelled at the end and walked over to a shop I know. Just then, I looked at my phone. "9 missed calls?! How insane is that!" I thought in my mind. But I remembered that it could be Mark.

   I called up the number. "Hey, Amy! I called you a lot and you didn't pick up. I was worried until now. Is everything okay?" He said quickly like as if he was my dad. "Hi, Mark! I'm completely fine. Just called so I could..." I don't why I called. But then it hit me, "Ask if you could pick me up!" I continued.

   "Yeah! Sure I can. Only if you tell me where you are?" He said. "Uh, do you know *Insert restaurant name* ?" I mumbled. "Yeah! I'll be there in 15 minutes." He said and disconnected the call.

-----END OF CHAPTER 3-----


Hey Guys! So this chapter was a bit... alright. You might need to read the next one but it's not up yet. The next chapter is going to be interesting... I think. I think the title is bit clickbaity, but it rly is an AmyPlier FanFic so should I worry?... 

~See ya!

Keeping It Together (A Markiplier x Darkiplier X Amy FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now