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I corner Adam at the party. "Do you want to stay together or not?" His eyes leave mine and focus on something behind me. I clench my fists, I won't turn around and look.
His eyes find mine again. "Yeah, yeah. Of course I do."
"Right." Bullshit!
"Come on babe, you know you're the one for me." BULLSHIT!
"You know, Adam. If you're going to lie to me, why not say something I'll actually want to believe?"
The look on his face is priceless. "Babe?"
He reaches for me, but I take a step back. "Oh my god! I have a name you know!" Adam crosses his arms, a slightly annoyed look on his face. "You know what, Adam. Let's just not do this anymore. You don't care, and I'm so done!"
"Are you breaking up with... me?" He shakes his head. "Girls never break up with me!"
I throw my hands up. "Fine! Tell them all you dumped me. I don't care!"

I see Oscar long before he sees me. It's not that I'm hiding, it's more that I'm waiting to leave. "Ellie, hey. How are you?"
Rolling my eyes, I lean forward out of the darkness under the tree. I'm guessing Adam's told his tale by now. "I'm fine."
He sits down next to me. A lot closer than he would have when I was with Adam. Shit. "Yeah. I... I heard Adam talk some bullshit nonsense and I... and I just wanted to see if you..."
I interrupt him. "I'm fine."
Oscar nods. "Yeah, yeah. I didn't think you'd not be. You're like... strong. Yeah. I... I just wanted to... you know..." Make a move, now that I'm not with Adam anymore.
"Thanks Oscar." I'm so not filling in his gaps. I can tell he wants to say more, so I dig my phone out of my pocket and start texting.
He's trying not to look but failing miserably. "So... uh... are you...?"
"Yeah. My dad's picking me up." He nods. "I'll see you at school, Oscar." We get up at the same time.
"Or you know... we could... we could maybe hang out tomorrow?"
I take a deep breath and release it slowly. "No. I'll see you at school."
"Yeah. Sure. Whatever." Yes. Whatever. When I get home, I see that Sylvie has snapped me a picture of Adam exchanging spit with Desirée. I'm not going to lie and say that it doesn't hurt, but I'm not surprised either. I don't bother answering. I wish I could unfollow everyone, everywhere, but that would make them think I care. Which I don't. Obviously.

Saturday morning and Oscar is snapping me cute selfies, like we're best friends or something. I send him pictures of my cat. He can interpret that however he wants. Which he totally will anyway. Why couldn't he just have stayed those few steps away from trying to be my boyfriend? Ugh! Not counting disturbing snaps, morning is chill. My parents know about Adam, but I'm not one to gush over boys and since I'm not crying they assume I'm as I say: fine!
"I guess I could punch him." Edward leans against my door jamb, flexing his biceps.
"God, no! Everyone will think I actually care. I don't. Don't punch him!"
My big brother shrugs his shoulders. "Yeah, well, tell me if you change your mind."
Edward's girlfriend Alice pops her head in. "Boyfriends are dumb anyway, stay away from them."
"Hey!" They both laugh as Edward takes her hand and drags her away.

My phone lights up with a new notification of Oscar snapping me. Sighing I grab it to see what angle of his face he's chosen to send me this time. A tweet distracts me from opening his snap. It's my incognito twitter friend from school. They won't tell me their name, so I haven't told them mine. Although I wouldn't be surprised if they actually know who I am, I'm not as good at this stealthiness as they are. But then our school has like ten thousand students per year or something, so I don't know.

@SithNull: Monday can't come soon enough
@eljopat: I'd rather have the weekend last forever
@SithNull: I thought you liked school?
@eljopat: I do, but maybe not on Monday
@SithNull: WHAT? Did I miss some drama? I PRIDE myself in knowing all drama! *dramatic gif*
@eljopat: You're an idiot. *heart gif*

"Ellie!" Mum's voice calls up the stairs. The scent of food cooking has had my stomach growling for ages. I drop my phone on my bed and hurry to the table. Dad has this satisfied smile on his face. I squint my eyes at him as I shovel mashed potatoes into my mouth. Edward and Alice are busy being all in love and seem oblivious to what's going on. I turn to mum, she's smiling at dad. I stuff chicken into my mouth too, I don't want to be the one to ask them about being all creepy smiley weird.

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