Bailey's Heart

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It really was such a cliché: 18th birthday party, everyone who's everyone was going to be invited and my parents were away for the weekend. I mean, what could go wrong? Yeah I know, I'm facepalming too...

First setback, Stella Anderson decided to throw a big pool party that same afternoon I had intended to have my bash. I'm sure she would have changed dates if she hadn't booked that very famous DJ that only had one opening. Yes, and because she knows who I am. Totally.
Secondly, my parents decided I needed someone to keep me company, a nearly 18 year old girl could get lonely and cry for her mama if things went bump in the night. Cue Lara, my crazy tarot reading aunt and her 'stink up the place' incense. Groovy.
And thirdly, I couldn't find the nerve to ask Marcus Evans or any of his too cool friends to come. I'd gather courage, walk towards him only to dodge into the girl's bathroom at the last minute. He must think I have the runs or something. Ugh. Kill me now.

Anyway. Today's Wednesday. I'm late for school, there was no time for makeup, my blonde hair up in, what only a blind beauty guru might call a stylish messy bun and I'm in the big black hipster glasses mom says makes me look sophisticated, but really only make me look like a total brainiac. Final bell rings as I hurry up the stairs to the bane of my existence, math class. It's not as if I'm failing or anything. I'm doing okay, really. It's just that math makes me want to go emo on the world, wear black lipstick and cut myself. I giggle-snort as I picture myself showing up at school with a bad attitude, black hair and emo music blasting from my phone.

"What's so funny?" I spin around and almost fall into the arms of, that's right: Marcus Evans.
"Ohmygod! Don't sneak up on me like that!" Anger wins over embarrassment.
"I didn't sneak up on you. You're the one cackling madly and not hearing someone walking behind you on the stairs."
"Well, it was a private conversation and you shouldn't have listened in." He raises his right eyebrow and I die a little.
"You're having a conversation with yourself?"
"Do you see anyone here besides me?" I swear this makes perfect sense inside my head, it's just that when it comes out of my mouth I can't help wonder what's wrong with my brain.
"Bailey Morgan, you are one surprising chick. All nerdy and shit on the outside but really you're just a freak." He knows my name? How can Marcus Evans know my name?
Then the words register. Was that an insult? The huge grin on his face tells me he's happy about this, but freak... I'm not a freak. Or am I? The words tumble out of my mouth before I know what I'm saying. "Oh, you have no idea!"

I hurry up the stairs towards math class, Mr Adams is going to be so pissed that I'm late, but I can't make myself care. Did I just have a conversation with the boy of my dreams? And did we really discuss my freakiness? Mumbling an apology to Mr Adams I go sit next to Noomi, she gives me a questioning look but neither of us dare say anything during class. Mr Adams has the ears of a hawk, or would that be eyes? Anyway. You don't talk in his class. Period. 

"You sure he talked to you and not someone else who happened to walk by?" Noomi's big brown eyes are bigger than usual after I told her one of the reason I was late for math class. We're at our usual table in the cafeteria. I shake my head and dig out all the cherry tomatoes from my salad and put them on her plate.
"It was just us and he accused ME of talking to myself you know." Heat rises to my cheeks as I remembered his amused face. "Stupid, smartass, eyebrow wiggling..." Noomi leans in closer to hear what I'm mumbling.

"You know Morgan, if I hadn't seen Nadir here with you I'd accuse you of talking to yourself again." I give my best friend the stare of death for not warning me about Marcus creeping up on me, before turning around. I open my mouth to give him a piece of my mind, but my mind has taken a vacation and left me there, mouth hanging open. I turn to my salad again, maybe I'm hallucinating and need to eat something.
"Hi Marcus." Noomi has never had any problems speaking to him, or any other boys for that matter. "I hear you might get sponsored by Motor World." Marcus has been riding dirt bikes since like forever and competing nationally since he was 11.
"Yeah, I hope to hear from them soon. It would help a lot since I need a new bike if I want to have a chance in this year's circuit." He takes a seat next to me, making it almost impossible for me to eat. I mean, who wants their crush to watch them eat? I don't get dates where you go sit opposite each other eating. I mean, how in the name of all that's holy do you retain any dignity by stuffing your face with a burger? I'd much rather go to the movies, or the park, or stare at my crush from a safe distance and hope he doesn't spot me.

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