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Zara's POV:
I knew this would crack him, he's definitely going to chicken out. He's really nice but they all are, at first.
"I'm coming." Luke nonchalantly walked out the door.
What. Did I hear him correctly.
"What?" I asked, still standing at the open front door.
"I am coming with you." Luke said slowly, as if I was child.
"Okay." I shut the front door, I didn't even bother locking it, my neighbors are too scared of me to rob me. They all witnessed the situation with Robby.

Fucking Robby. I hate Robby, that prick. Everything I see reminds me of him. He makes me weak at the knees when I see him but, I just want to punch him in the face. One of my reoccurring nightmares is the day he left and I lost control and everything happened so fast.
Before I knew it tears were coming down my face, I quickly wiped my tears and grabbed some eye drops out of the backpack.

"Okay first stop is my friend Reggie's house." I said as I linked my arm with Luke's. it was so beautiful out, the sun was still rising and birds were chirping, and the weather; not too hot, not too cold.
"Who's Reggie?" Luke asked. He's so innocent the baddest thing he has done is probably drinking too many beers and getting into a little fist fight with someone.
"He's my friend I smoke pot with." I replied while looking at the empty roads.
"Oh. So do you have a plan on how tonight is going to go?" Luke asked.
"Yes I do actually. First were going to Reggie's and were going to smoke pot, to calm your nerves. Then we are going to the train ports and we are going to spray paint it up. Then were going back to my house and were going to scope out the neighbors you'll find out why later. Afterwards we'll take a nap or eat some food or both and then when night hits were going clubbing and ya know do some coke. There's more to the plan but you'll just have to wait and see." I said quickly, I've said it so many times before. It's my routine for newbies to see what they're down for.
"Wow. So this is going to be a all day thing?" Luke asked.
"Yeah. Is that going to be a problem?" I asked.
"No. Um no. I had nothing to do anyways." He said while looking at the ground.
"Okay, good. Reggie's house is at the corner of this road so just about 3 more houses and we'll be there." I said while pointing down the road.
"How did you meet Reggie?" Luke asked.
"I met him when I moved here. He went to school with me. We dated for a couple weeks but we realized that we are better off as friends. When he got older he became a drug dealer and he moved to my block, so it's a quick commute to get my stuff. He's really cool, he's always high though so he probably won't remember meeting you. Were only going to be there for 10 minutes maybe." I said.
"Okay." Luke replied.
We walked the rest of the way in silence. It was so peaceful. I'm being abnormally nice to Luke, it's weird I need to stop. I can't wait to feel the smoke invade my lungs and let all my worries go away.

I walked up the steps that led the way to Reggie's front door.
"Reggie its Zara!" I yelled as I knocked on the door three times.
"It's Open!" I heard Reggie yell.
"Cmon." I waved over to Luke as he stared at the run down house. I opened the door and saw Reggie smoking pot, as per usual.
"Who's this?" Reggie asked while taking another hit from his bong.
"This is Luke, he's a friend. I'm taking him out on the town tonight." I said smirking at Reggie.
"We're just here to get a little high, before we go on our adventure."
I said making my way towards the couch as Luke followed behind.
"Why are you being so quiet? Reg isn't going to bite you or anything." I said while nudging Luke. Luke just smiled and started looking around the place.

I heard the noise of tires screeching on the pavement from outside the house. Reggie ran towards the window and Luke look at me with a face that was saying what the fuck.
"GO IN THE BACK ROOM AND GET DOWN ON THE FLOOR!" Reggie screamed. Luke and I ran as fast as we could towards the back room and got as low on the floor as we could.
"What the fuck is going on?" Luke asked.
I heard the familiar noise of gun shots and I clutched onto Luke.
"WHAT-" I put my hand over Luke's mouth, and mouthed to him to be quiet.
This is probably one of Reggie's competitors coming by to kill the competition. I tried to move around so I could see if Reggie was alright, I know he has his gun, he carries that thing every where. I looked into the living room and I see Reggie shooting people through the hole in the window.
"What is going on?" Luke whispered.
"Another drug dealer is trying to kill Reggie so that they get more business." I whispered back, while I watched the intense scene.
"Oh, how do you know when this shoot out is over." Luke said.
"Listen for the tires." I said, and minutes later I heard the screeching of the tires.
"They're gone." I said as I got up and handed a hand to Luke.
"Jesus fucking Christ I could have just died!" Luke yelled while following me out to the living room.
"But you didn't die, that's the only thing that matters Hemmings." I said, taking a hit from the bong.
"How are you Reggie, are you okay?"
I asked after blowing the smoke out.
"I'm fine, are you two good?" He said, as he put his gun down on the wooden coffee table.
"Yep, me and Luke are gonna leave though. We're running a bit behind schedule. But first Luke, you have to take smoke some weed." I handed Luke the bong as he was shaking his head no.
"Luke this is non negotiable, you're doing it, it's only one hit." Luke slowly took the bong out of my hand and sat down with it in his lap.
"What do I do?" He asked as he stared at me.
"Okay look, it's simple." I said as I threw him a lighter.
"I'll put new water in it for you, one minute." I said as I took the bong away from Luke and walked to the kitchen sink and filled up the bong with warm water.
"Okay, here." I hand Luke back the bong and he still looked at it confused.
"So, now you put your finger here to cover the carb. And then you light the bowl that has the weed and you inhale. After you inhale, take your finger off the carb and exhale." I said to Luke as he looked bewildered.
I watched as he put his hand around the stem of the bong and put a finger over the carb. He had his luscious lips around the top and he light the weed. He inhaled, then he released the carb and exhaled while coughing like a maniac.
"Not bad Hemmings, you did good." I laughed as he was stile coughing crazily.
"That was sorta fun, much better then the shoot out that was going on." Luke barely coughed out the words.
Reggie was laughing hysterical, he was probably just high out of his mind.
"Okay Reg, we're gonna go, here's a 10." I threw a ten dollar bill at Reggie and took Luke's hand as I walked out of the house.
"You two kids stay safe!" Reggie yelled in a concerned parents voice.

A/N: hey guys, sorry if there's any spelling errors, I hope you like this chapter. Vote, Comment and add it to your library!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2014 ⏰

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