chapter 8

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"Nessie!!!" Comes the screams from 2 hyper active little kids as I walk in the Shepard household.

"Zola, Bailey. There you are, i missed you!" I say excitedly and Meredith laughs greeting them too. They run into my arms as I bend down to their level.

"I miss you too" says Zola as she smiles, missing one front tooth.

"I see your tooth has fallen out? Excited for the tooth fairy tonight?" I ask and she nods excitedly.

"Yeah, the tooth fairy brings me money everytime!" She exclaims giggling.

"Nessie come play trucks with me!" Says Bailey and Zola groans.

"No, Nessie' s gonna play dollies with me!" Screams Zola at Bailey.

"Hey it's Okay, i can play with both of you" I say as they smile running off.


'So, when do you plan on moving back home?' I ask as we sit together in Meredith and Derek's bed while drinking some wine.

All three kids were put to bed after hours of playing dollies and cars which was super fun by the way but also very draining too. Both Mere and I changed into some pj's as we're now both showered.

"Sometime next week. I found the perfect couple for the house. they're really wonderful honestly" she says taking a sip from her glass.

"It must be hard for you. I'm sorry" I say sympathetically and she smiles softly.

"I know."

"I love your kids so much. I don't know how you do it everyday Mer really I don't. Like if something would happen to them I don't know what Id do" I say sipping on my glass.

"I love that you love my kids so much" she says whispering.
"Yeah" I say smiling softly.

"So....we gonna talk about Jackson or what?" She asks suggestively as i roll my eyes.

"He could totally pass as mcsteamy junior. You know what I'm saying?" I says smiling as she starts laughing lightly while nodding.

"Yeah I do. So what's the plan?"

"I haven't really thought about it yet. I'm pretty sure he's pissed at me" I say sighing before placing my now empty glass on the night stand.

"Why though?" She asks confused.

"I may have yelled at him about how much he pisses me off and shit, I totally went off on him but I have my reasons" I say defending myself at the end, because he truly pisses me off.

I don't know if i'm really just angry with him or with myself. Every single time I see him or come within even 3 meters of him I feel like my body is on fire. I don't know how to describe that feeling but I know its there and I'm frustrated because I cant act upon it.

"You have no idea what you want Vanessa. Figure it out before putting him through the ringer for nothing."

"Jackson is the type guy who wants a woman that he can start a family with, a wife to go home with, a person to share that home with. What if I cant have kids Mere? A lot of things happened after my miscarriage with Mark I don't wanna disappoint him if we even go that far into the relationship"

"Well all you have to do is focus on right now, focus on the present situation instead of thinking to far ahead and thinking about what could happen. You deserve happiness an if Jackson can give you that then you better grab it with both hands."

"Jackson might piss me off and stuff but the way he makes me feel? I don't even know how e makes me feel. I feel so safe and cared for just by him looking at me but its too soon to say anything really" I say ending the discussion as I reach over to turn off the lamp on my side of the bed before resting my head in hopes for a good night's rest before work at 5am tomorrow morning.

"Look alive people! There was an attack at our local mall so we need all hands on deck today. It's gonna be a long day more than 30 victims coming in with multiple injuries, some less than others, work together on this." Says chief Bailey as ambulances filled with people start rushing through the DR doors.

"Where are my damn interns?" I ask frustrated at the fact that I do not see one of them in sight. Just then my pager goes off and I'm pulled away from my thoughts as I tend to a patient.

"What do we got Grey?" I as Meredith as I take a look at the elderly patient on the bed.

"Shortness of breath, patient complains of chest pains and has been complaining about a headache so let me know when you're done and let someone take her up for a CT." She says handing over her chart as she walks off to tend another patient.

"Hi I'm other dr. Grey, do you mind if I take a listen?" I ask as the sweet old lady nods her head and I remove my stethoscope from my neck to examine her chest. Heartbeat is a lot faster than the normal one should perform.

"Ma'am, have you ever had any heart conditions in the past?" I ask she frowns shaking her head.

"No, Why? Is something wrong sweety?" She asks worriedly as I try my best to reassure her.

Her symptoms are very accurate to when one has tachycardia, the shortness of breath, the chest pains and the fast rate at which her heart is beating at the moment but I'm gonna need an EKG to be sure.

"Ma'am, I'm just gonna have someone take you up for a few years and they can give you something for your headache but while you're there is there anyone you'd like me to call? Family maybe?" I ask in a soothing tone while handing the chart over to my stupid interns who finally arrived.

"No, no family dear, just me. My husband died a long time ago and my kids shipped me off to a home. I wouldn't wanna bother them with this. It's not like they answer my calls. I haven't seen them in 15 years now." She replies sadly as I slowly nod my head sympathizing with her.

"Thomson(previously known as 2) take mrs. Diaz up for a CT and an EKG please and page me when you get the results. Hernandez( also previously known as 3) go with her and try speeding this up please." I say giving them the chart and they start rolling her out of her room.

Since most of the patients are either general, burnt victims or an ortho patient I decide that if they needed me they'll page. I make my way to the gallery to watch Amelia remove a butterfly tumor that she has been working on for the past month or so. Sometimes she gets to excited over something but I love that she does since it drives her to be the best version of herself and the best version of herself is when she's confident in her OR. Once she starts something she finishes it. She really is the girl version of Derek and I miss him so much lately.

I take a seat in the front as the gallery is not that full today. I enjoy watching her be in her element and do her thing. She's most happy here. There were a few complications during the surgery but nothing major that she couldn't handle. Just then my pager goes off and I'm paged to the CT room? Why the CT room? Something must be wrong. I run my way up the stairs as the elevator would take time that i don't have to spare.

"What the hell happened?" I ask Hernandez as I see him doing CPR on the patient and I immediately request for a crash cart.

"We were taking the scans and she just started coding in the machine." He explains as I take over chest compressions being careful not to break her ribs in the process.

I then take the paddles and place them near her chest as everyone backs away.

"Charge to 100, clear!" Nothing, no pulse at all.

"Charge to 200, clear!" Still nothing

"Charge to 300, clear!" Still nothing , come on mrs. Diaz you can't go out like this. Dammit!

I sigh before taking off my gloves and glance at the clock on the wall.

"Time of death 09:52 am"

Yours Only -Jackson AveryWhere stories live. Discover now