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Hey, uhhhh.....It's ya boi..........

Someone finish that for me so I don't have to *laughs nervously*

I don't have much so say, so, just enjoy the chappie :D


Harry sighed and ran his hand over his face, pushing his glasses up cutely as he rubbed his tired eyes. 

"Harry, are you ok?" Hermione asked. 

The raven-haired wizard nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just didn't get much sleep last night," he said. 

"Why?" she pressed. 

Harry shrugged. "Couldn't sleep. Thoughts just nagging me, you know?" he replied. The witch nodded, completely understanding Harry's dilemma. 

"Well, you have a free period right now, so why don't you sleep? I have Advanced Arithmetic right now, though," she said, picking up her bag. 

"Alright. See ya, 'Mione," he said. The moment she left, Ron raised an eyebrow. 

"Thoughts nagging you?" he asked skeptically. Harry chuckled. 

"You see right through me, don't you?" he asked. Ron shrugged. 

"Something about this whole Animagus stuff has made me more aware of body language," he explained. "I could tell you were lying by the way you sat back and your brow furrowed." 

Harry smiled. "I'm pretty sure you could do that before all this Animagus stuff, but ok," he responded. Ron grinned back. 

"You might be right," he said. "But anyways, what really kept you up?" he asked. Harry frowned. 

"I can't really go into detail, but there is a mystery going on at Hogwarts that I am helping to solve. It's really complex and it's taking up a lot of my brain power," he said. Ron nodded. 

"I thought I saw you running around a few days ago - after all, there's not many large black wolves in Britain," he teased. Harry nodded, grinning. "Yeah, I imagine not," he replied. "So, what are you allowed to share?" Ron asked. Harry shook his head. 

"Nothing. Technically, I've already said too much, but I can't keep stuff from you," he said, chuckling at the last part. "Alright," Ron said. 

Harry sat back and stared out the window, contemplating the mystery again, running everything he knew through his mind. According to the scent that Harry had been able to trace, the Carrows had entered through the South entrance. He found that odd, as the South entrance was the most heavily guarded entrance to the school. 

He shook his head and stood abruptly, drawing Ron's gaze back to him. "What are you doing, mate?" the red-head asked. "I'm going to do some investigating. Please don't follow me," Harry replied. Ron bit his lip but nodded in agreement. 

"Thanks," the brunette wizard said. Ron nodded once more, but Harry didn't catch the action as he was already halfway out of the portrait hole. He strode quickly to the South entrance, passing Professor Snape along the way. He also didn't catch the Potion's Master's quizzical gaze as he breezed by. 

A few minutes later, he arrived at the large doors. He gave small nods of acknowledgement to the four guards standing along the entrance. The guards nodded back, remaining at ease at the sight of their Savior. 

Harry leaned against the wall and closed his eyes. He focused on the pull of magic under his skin, shifting his senses to the sharp ones of the wolf while maintaining his human features. He then reached his magic out and felt the auras in the hall. 

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