Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

My name is Emmalin Kay Sivan.. I am 17 years old, and I live in hell. I mean an orphanage. Mrs. Klist runs this place, and I swear, one of these days I will shred her like shredded cheese. Well, not literally, hypocritically speaking.

I ended up in this orphanage when I was 12. I was abused my whole life by my parents. Child Services came to the house one day, my parents not knowing, while I was getting beat. That’s when I got put into hell. A different hell from my once place I used to call home. A home that I will never go back to, a home that had all my horrible memories in.

Probably no big surprise, but I am depressed. Majorly. I’ve tried suicide to escape all of this pain; I cut because it’s my distraction from suicide. I feel no pain when I slice my arm.

I don’t want to get adopted, what if they hurt me? The only reason I want to get adopted is to get out of this hellhole. I will get out one day. Yes, I am a 17 year old girl, with no job. Pathetic, I know.

“Hi, I called earlier. My name is Paul Higgins, and I was interested in adopting a teenage girl,” I heard a man speaking down stairs, most likely direct towards Mrs. Klist.

“Ah, yes. Mr. Higgins. As I informed you earlier, we have only 3 teenage girls here. Tracy, Becca, and Emmalin. Tracy is 16, Becca is 15, and Emmalin is 17. I will go get the girls now. Please, take a seat.”

How the hell can she be so nice to strangers? She is a total bitch to us, the girls that live in this orphanage. I heard a knock on my small bedroom door.

“Emmalin, get down to the foyer, no questions,” Mrs. Klist walked away to the other girls bedrooms. I have no friends here. They’re all so mean, cocky, and just rude.

I quickly got up and quickly cleaned up and slipped on my old flip-flops and walked down to the foyer. I was a man, he looked really buff. I am guessing that is Paul or whatever his name is. There was another boy or man with him. He looked around my age, maybe his son. He had almost a buzz cut, but not. He was muscular. Dang. He was fine.

Woaah, what am I saying. No, no.

Bitchy and Tramp, oops, I mean Becca and Tracy walked down the stairs and stood right next to me. Can I just take their hair and bang their heads against the ground?

“Ladies, this is Paul Higgins. He is interested in adopting one of you!” Mrs. Klist said trying to see some what pleased.

“Yes, and after reading your girls files, I think I know who I will choose,” Paul smiled, “Emmalin.” Did he just say my name?

I felt my eyes widen, “M-me?” I pointed to myself struck in awe. “Yes, you Emmalin, I want to adopt you.”

“O-ok,” was all I could squeeze out of my mouth. Is he going to hurt me? I am so afraid.

“Emmalin, go pack your things, and Mr. Higgins, I just need you to sign these papers and you are free to take her home,” Mrs. Klist handed Mr. Higgins a few pieces of paper.

I walked upstairs, along with Tracy and Becca. They stopped me before I entered my room. “Well, well, well. I was nice knowing you… Not. Just because you got adopted before us two, does NOT,” Tracy emphasized the word not, “mean you are better than us two, because you will never ever be better than us. Ever! Do you hear me?” Tracy yelled and I nodded my head slowly.

“What? I can’t hear you!” Becca slapped me hard on the face. I winced in pain. “YES! I HEARD YOU!” I slammed my door shut and quickly gathered my things, making sure to grab my razors and pills. I quickly walked down the stairs trying to avoid Becca and Tracy, lucky I did.

I got to the foyer of the orphanage with only Mr. Higgins and the young man standing there waiting. No sigh of Mrs. Klist at all.

“Are you ready?” The young man asked me and I nodded in response. He reached out to grab my bag but I quickly pulled back. “May I carry your bag for you?” he asked. I nodded my head again. He grabbed my small bag with all of my belongings inside of it carrying it out to the car and placing it in the trunk.

“So, Emmalin, my name is Paul Higgins, but please, call me Paul. No need to say Mr. Higgins, that’s my dad,” Paul smiled. “And I am Liam Payne!” he said happily. Liam Payne…. Hmm. Sounds really familiar. Maybe he’s from a band? “I’m in a band called One Direction with four other lads. Have you heard?” I was correct. He is in a band. I nodded my head lightly pulling down my long sleeved shirt.

Paul started the car, “Emmalin, you are legally my child now, but, you will be staying with Liam and the boys at their flat. I have to go away for a while on tour with another band. I am a body guard and manager for many bands! I hope that is okay.”

“Yes, that is fine…” I stared out the window, hoping that my new ‘family,’ will be amazing and nice.


Thank you all so much who has been reading so far. I'm trying my best to write a good story becasue I really enjoy writing. Please don't steal any of my ideas. I have had all of my stories prewritten before I even started them so please don't say that I am "copying others" because I'm not. I work really hard on my stories.

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