Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Hey guys, so sorry I havent updated in a while. It's been almsot a month. Still can't believe that I went to a One Direction concert!! Best day ever. I get to go back again next yearr!! Yaass. Well here is an update. Please share with your friends! Vote! 

(*Violence in this chapter, if you do not like violence, I consider you do not read this chapter. Just thought I would warn your guys ahead of time J*)

"DON'T TOUCH ME. PLEASE STOP. SOMEONE, SAVE ME," I screamed in my sleep.

"Emmalin! Emmalin! Wake up! Please wake up!" Someone was shaking me.

"DON'T TOU-," I jolted awake, seeing Harry still next to me, "Harry, don't let them ever touch me again," I whispered very lightly I didn't think that he would have heard me.

"Love, what is wrong?"

"N-nothing, I'm sorry I woke you. I, um, will just go up to my room. I am sorry," I started to get up when Harry lightly grabbed my wrist.

"Even though I just met you, I will always protect you," Harry let go of my wrist. No one ever protected me before. When I fell asleep on Harry that was the best I have slept in a very long time. I felt safe.

"Thank you Harry, um, can you help me find my room again? I forgot where it was," I felt embarrassed, but I need to be in a bed. Harry nodded and started walking upstairs. "Here is your room, mine is right a crossed from yours, and there is a bathroom in your room," Harry smiled, "goodnight Emmalin."

"Goodnight Harry," I closed my bedroom door. I decided to quick check my social media sites on the computer that was placed in the bedroom. First, my twitter, I logged in. Pictures of me all over; how did they know my twitter.

"Who is this ugly bitch? What is she doing in the car with Paul and @real_Liam_Payne???"

"Fucking bitch, doesn't she know he has a girlfriend?? What a skank, shes not even pretty!!"

I can't believe all of these... I kept looking through the twitter pictures and the nasty comments they had. Everyone hates me. I just got here and they hate me... They are all telling me to die. Maybe I should. I felt tears drip down my face. I grabbed my bag that has my pills and many razors in it, and grabbed my razor sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Just a few..." I held out my wrist slowly sliding the tiny piece of metal across my wrist, not being able to stop. I tried to yell, but it only came out like a faint whisper.

"I can't stop," I need help, "HELP," I tried to yell as loud as I could. My door busted open and Harry was standing there, speechless... Staring at me not knowing what to do.

"Help...." I cried out. 

"Emmalin... Oh my god."

"I..." Darkness took over me and I passed out...

Harry's P.O.V

"Emmalin, wake up please," I picked up Emmalin bridal style and walked into her bathroom.

"First aid kit, where are you," I opened up all of the cabinets and finally found it. I cleaned up her wrist, all full of blood. I carefully wrapped bandages around her many cuts.

"Ow..." I heard her say.

"Emmalin, wake up love," I whispered. I want her to be okay. She is so fragile. So innocent.

"Don't touch me!" Emmalin panicked. I don't want her to be afraid of me. I want to know everything about her, and what made her so... fragile, and broken.

"No one is going to hurt you. Emmalin, please tell me what is going on. Please," I tried to sound as comforting as possible, not wanting to scare her.

"I'm sorry, I thought you were... Nevermind," she slowly sat up, and I helped her.

"You can tell me anything, I know I just met you a few hours ago, but I feel like I have known you forever."

Emmalin's P.O.V


"Please, don't hurt me... I love you. I didn't mean to do it!" I yelled at him.

"No, you piece of worthless shit, you do not, I repeat, do not, walk into my room without knocking," he yelled at me.

"Well maybe you shouldn't be fucking with other girls! We have been dating for 2 years!! How long have you been cheating on me?" I yelled at him.

"Since day one," he walked closer to me, darkness in his eyes, "you, you don't deserve this life you are living, you are living in a big lie," the smell of alcohol lingered in his breath. I haven't been more terrified in my life. I looked away for a split second and out of the corner of my eye, his fist was plunging towards my face, hitting me right in the jaw. I fell right to the ground. I tried to get up but he kicked me right back down.

"You bitch," he spit on me, "I never loved you. Such a fool, you thinking I actually did," he kicked me in the rips. I yelled out in pain, not being able to breathe.

He walked out of the hotel room we were in for the day, leaving me breathless, dying, and aching in pain on the ground.

*end of flashback*

"That's why I don't get attached to people... I always end up getting hurt in the end. This happened about a year ago. I was so stupid. That is why I now don't really do relationships... I have tried, but I get hurt, and abused, heartbroken, every single time... I fall in love with so many people, but I am just done. Done with life, done with finding love, done with people, done with breathing..."

I didn't realize I was lying in my bed with Harry, my head in the crook of his neck. It's nice to have my own bed now. And a place to hopefully call home, and a family, that will hopefully care for me, and love me...

"I'm so sorry Harry... I didn't want you to see me like this..."

"Its okay love, its okay... I will always be here for you. I will never hurt you," Harry whispered in my ear, and that was the last thing I heard before falling asleep in Harry's arms.


Author's Note!

Please share, vote, and comment! I hope you guys are enjoying my story so far. Please, don't steal my story. I work hard on my stories. Tell me what you think so far pleasee!! I want lots of feedback!! :)


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