Chapter Three: The call.

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Chapter Three: The Call.

“Lottie, good to see you.” Mitchell greeted with his usual smile.

“Mitchell, long time no see. Now I want to get straight to business. Why is he out?” I said flatly, I did not want Jase anywhere near me, my office, my house, my family and friends. He wasn’t ever to come near me.

“Well… you see his time in Juvie is actually over as he is too old to be in the correctional facility. The age limit is 19, otherwise they go to prison. He was never going to go to prison. You and I both know that. His lawyer emailed me saying this and I quote ‘Jase Zachary Morrison has, of today, been released from Mount Saint Juvenile Detention Centre on probation. He is under the watchful eyes of his parole officers. He has requested to see your client, Lottie Susanna Acosta under the eye of both of us.’ And then there was some more stuff involving meetings and so forth. I actually have a meeting with the both of them today. Would you be able to stay on skype while the meeting is happening so that I don’t have to repeat everything later on? You would be an amazing and loving friend!” I listened to what Mitchell had to say, hanging off every word and ever letter.

I was silent. Thinking of what he said. He wants me to sit around and listen to his voice. His laugh. Maybe even see his smile. I haven’t seen him in a while. A very long while.

How was I supposed to just sit there and listen to them talk about me and everything else? How?

“Fine. Put head phones in so they can’t hear me if I begin shouting proficiencies at him.” I stated bluntly, if he wanted me to listen in he definitely wanted them not to hear what I have to say for myself.

“Done.” He said as he slotted head phones into his ears. I nodded at the action and moved some things around my desk before facing him again. “Look Lottie, I know this is heaps to ask but I don’t want to be alone on this.” I nodded once again.

“How are you?” I asked picking at my nail polish. A bad nervous habit of mine, must stop it.

“I am good. Very good but this isn’t what I wanted to talk about and you know that. We need to figure some things out. For good.” I sighed dramatically, I was not in the mood for talking business anymore. Not now. Not tomorrow. Not ever.

After half an hour of talking with Mitchell, a knock was heard from his side of the call.

“Who is it?” I asked curiously tilting my head slightly. Another habit.

Mitchell gave me a look before leaving the screen to answer the door. I heard muttering in the back ground before Mitchell came back into the screen with a very nervous look on his face. I quickly messaged him through skype.

Is he there? Mitchell faintly nodded, unseen by the untrained eye.

“Jase. Steven. Nice of you to meet me today.” Mitchell said politely rubbing his hands together in front of him. I knew he was nervous. Really nervous.

“I want to see Lottie, Mitchell. We discussed this. I want to see her. A recent picture at that, please. Please Mitchell, it has been 5 years. I miss her so much. I need to see her.” I heard Jase plead sounding sad and hurt, this immediately breaking my heart slightly.

He missed me.

“I have a picture here from a few days ago.” I watched Mitchell pulled a photo of me at work out of his pocket. That was the day I nearly fired Cory. I was standing at my window watching the busy streets of Wellington go on and on. I remember that day.

“She’s gorgeous. I need to see her in person.” Jase whispered demandingly. Mitchells eyes wandered to me. I nodded with a slight smile.

Yes. I missed Jase so much. I want to see how much he has grown since the age of fifteen. I was wondering how much he had changed when my thoughts were interrupted. “Is she on your computer. Lottie!? Lottie!?”

I watched as Mitchell was shoved away and Jase came into the screen with a giant smile lighting his face. “Lottie” He breathed out softly. I saw his arm move and imagined he was grazing his fingertips along my face on the computer screen.

I pointed to my ears signalling for him to put the head phones in. He rushed in grabbing them and shoved them in his ears. “Lottie.” He repeated with so much love in his voice. Love? Why love?

“Jase. You’re looking good. I hope you are doing well. I hope you have a good life and find someone amazing but please, leave me alone. I don’t want a repeat of what happened when we were fifteen. Ever. Have a good life Jase.” I sadly said.

“No! Wait!” I cut the call before he could go any further with the conversation. I didn’t want to do this but it had to be done. I don’t want my life going up in flames ever again. Literally.

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