Entry 41 - Home For Christmas

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"So, how did you manage to get rid of all the guards and chauffeurs?"

"I got my mom on the case. Basically, I made a huge deal about you wanting to see your family and spend quality time with them, and that the guards would interfere and make it awkward for your family who wouldn't be used to them. Turns out that that worked pretty well since we were allowed to leave all by ourselves."

"Well, all that is true, but I have a feeling that you just wanted to drive." He laughed, eyes crinkling at the corners. I'd come to love his real laugh. The kind of laugh I really only ever heard around me. He didn't laugh around anyone else, at least not like this. It was open and free, a nice reminder of how well our relationship was going.

"You have me there. I can't stand being driven around. That's why I drove us on those other trips. Of course, there were still cars behind and ahead of us, but still I was able to drive. I've got to be able to do something, you know?"

"Yeah, that makes sense." His eyes went back to the road, and I continued to look at his profile. The sunlight was streaming in just right, highlighting the sharp bones of his cheek and jaw.

"What are you looking at?" He glanced over at me, a slightly self conscious look in his dark eyes.

"You." I replied simply. There wasn't any point in lying. He had caught me staring at him, and I was quite okay with that. He looked back at the road, his face slightly redder than before.

"Where's our next turn?" He asked, changing the subject a little too quickly.

"It's coming up soon, then we will almost be there. You could just let me drive, you know. Since I know exactly where to go."

Much to my surprise, he agreed, and pulled over to the side of the road as soon as it was safe. Once I had adjusted the seat to my liking and was back on the road, I realized why he had agreed so quickly.

"That happens to be my good side." My voice was surprisingly loud in the stillness of the car. Thomas laughed, but continued to look over at me.

"Why do you think I switched seats? I was getting a little tired of seeing the other side of your face."

"Rude." I frowned in mock anger, and much to my surprise, felt him move closer. He planted a kiss on my cheek, and quickly pulled away.

"I'm joking. I was getting tired of you getting to look at me, but not being able to look at you."

I felt warmth spreading through my cheeks, the skin tingling where his lips had been moments before. I glanced over at him, seeing the sincerity of his eyes.

"What happened to you?" I asked in surprise. Sure, we had been making progress, but he hadn't very openly stared at me or acted like he was that attracted to me.

"You did." I blinked, surprised by his quiet words.

"Honestly, I don't know what I did to deserve you." I was having a hard time concentrating on the road. Thomas had never talked like this before, and he chose now, while I was driving, to start talking about our relationship.

"I'm not that good looking." I joked, sensing the seriousness in his voice. I wasn't used to talking seriously with him, and was starting to feel anxious about where the conversation was going. Anxious, but excited at the same time.

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