beautiful soul " chapter 4"

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the professor colins( grubbing his history book and searching for the question): hmm...let's see..

lrma: please..please  please.....

the professor colins:lrma, tell us something about stone-age..

hay lin: BINGOOOOOO!!

lrma: yesssss!!

taranee( shocked): woooooww..

after she answer the question the bill rings..(DRRRRRRIIIIIIIING...)

hay lin and lrma gets out the class..

hay lin: ha! i can't believe it! you did it again!

lrma: hey, it's a secret! you can't tell everyone!

som belonde girl came to lrma and hay lin..

the blonde named cornelia: what can't she tell us?

hay lin: cornelia! she did the spell again!

cornelia's POV: remote-control quizzes, she thinks she's a big shot but she's just a beginner..( she was thinking while she's closing her locker after she but her books inside) if she only knew what i can do..

hay lin waving to taranee good bye: BYE!!

cornelia turned: who is that?

hay lin: taranee,one of the new students the other one is in class with you and elyon, right?

elyon is the shay girl she was standing behind the girls closing her locker

cornelia: yeah, i think her name's will aks elyon, she always has all the news..

elyon (looking down with a sad face): Hi girls!!

they walked out the school and they're getting down the stairs..

lrma(wondering): look at me, elyon i've seen this face before..

cornelia: me too , it was in a documentary about the easter island!

four of them was walking out side and talking " lrma , cornelia, hay lin and elyon''

lrma(pointing at elyon's face): oh,no,no,no, cornelia! i recognize a "fluncked" look when i see one

elyon: all right , alrea-dy! i got a bad grade in math satisfied?

lrma: and i'd say that what we have here is a big , fat , hairy "F"?? ofcourse i am satisfied! because you know what that means?


they're walking to the gate..

hay lin:aww, come on! you could look the other way just this once!

lrma was waving good bye to the boys..

cornelia: the law's the law,elyon! yu know the rules of the group!

girls with powersTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon